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Latest Articles:

The Flu Shines a Spotlight on Public Health

May 6 - Context and resources to help you cut through the hype, and talk with children about the "swine flu." Also: why the Healthy Families Act matters when it comes to stemming potential pandemics. Read the article.

In Congress, Growing Momentum for White House Office on Children and Youth

May 1 - Senators Dodd (D-CT), Kennedy (D-MA) and Stabenow (D-MI) and Representatives Miller (D-CA), Kildee (D-MI) and Yarmuth (D-KY) are the latest to join the movement calling on President Obama to create a centralized coordinating body for child/youth funds and services. How would this impact your community, and how can you get involved? Read more.

Youth Video Draws Obama to ‘Early College’ School

April 8 - A student YouTube posting brought top-level attention to a growing initiative that connects disadvantaged youth to college campuses, as Jamaal Abdul-Alim of Youth Today reports. Check out the video below and read the article.

Youth in Action: Carmen Berkley, the United States Student Association

BerkleyUnder the dark cloud of economic recession, states have slashed budgets across the board, resulting in the sharpest college tuition hikes in years. 23-year-old Carmen Berkley knows this firsthand—and she and her peers are doing something about it at home and at the White House.


Karen Pittman
A "5 Star" President Who Happens to be Bi-Racial

Karen Pittman's column
Did the media coverage of the inauguration leave voters—and young people—feeling somewhat betrayed? Read Karen's column.

The Good News: a 'Multiplier Effect'in Child Advocacy

Hershel Sarbin's Child Advocacy 360 columnHershel CA 360
When we succeed in improving policies that affect disadvantaged children and young people, it makes a huge difference in many lives—and a new report offers real results from New Mexico. Read Hershel's column.


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A biweekly review of news, policy developments and trends
in the child and youth field. Subscribe.

Update Guest EditorCFK Update | May 6
Much of the news of this week underscores a central premise for our work: when a child lacks medical care or a young person leaves high school early or transitions to adulthood without the right supports, they and their family are not the only ones who pay the price -- we all do.

We need look no further than our own neighborhoods: a flu-stricken child or mother without access to treatment puts the health of the whole community at risk. A young person sent to an adult jail (rather than a juvenile facility) returns home more likely to be re-arrested. And while our schools are improving in some areas, a new study finds that continuing achievement gaps are hurting our economy more than the current recession.

So, we've got our work cut out for us. I hope you will consider putting out a bag of food by your mailbox on May 9, signing the online petition for CACFP, and urging your Senators to work for better juvenile justice policies. And be sure and join out the campaign to establish a White House Office for Children and Youth! You'll find the info you need on these and more. Read the Update.

The Latest from the Field

Children and young people don't grow up in fragmented programs. That's why we're committed to bringing you best practices, news and policy developments from across the child and youth field. Here are a few of the latest:

Casey's 100 Days/100 Voices Social Media Project
aecfWhat's the most important thing that the Obama administration has done for children and families during its first 100 days? What should be next on the agenda? The Annie E. Casey Foundation is inviting all concerned community members to weigh in, in 100 words or fewer or with a two-minute video clip.

Children in Immigrant Families – Economic Need beyond the Official Poverty Measure
The povery rate among immigrant children reaches nearly one-half (47.9 percent), much higher than the official rate, when you factor in 21st Century expenses like child care and transportation, says Child Trends.

COV1Pre-K to Third: What’s the Price Tag?
The Foundation for Child Development offers a framework for figuring the costs of core elements in moving to full-time pre- K and kindergarten in the primary school.

COV2Childhood Poverty Can Impair Memory in Young Adults
Rockefeller University researchers have found that poverty and chronic stress during childhood is adversely associated with working memory in young adults.

Got a minute to get involved? Checkj out the CFK/YPAC Action Alerts!

Featured Alert:

4/23/09: Create a White House Office on Children and Youth!Action
The Federal government runs hundreds of critical programs to serve children and youth ages 0 to 24, which are spread across 12 departments and agencies. This fragmentation is getting in the way of effectiveness, but we can do better ... more.


About CFK

Connect for Kids makes the best use of communications technologies, specifically the Internet, to give adults—parents, grandparents, guardians, educators, advocates, policymakers...

Take the Ready by 21 Challenge Ready by 21 Logo

The Ready by 21 Challenge isn't a program, campaign or even an initiative, but it's working hard to change the way we do business so we can improve the outcomes for youth. So just what is Ready by 21 and how can it help youth work? Find out here.