U.S. Census Bureau


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The NLMS Bibliography lists articles published in recognized public-health, or scientific, journals. Articles are included in the list if they are based all or in part on either the full NLMS database or the NLMS public-use file.

  1. Rogot E, Schwartz S, O'Conor K, Olsen C. The Use of Probabilistic Methods in Matching Census Samples to the National Death Index. 1983 Proceediings of the Section on Survey Research Methods; American Statistical Association; 1983 p. 319-24.
  2. Rogot E, Feinleib M, Ockay K, Schwartz S, Bilgrad R, Patterson J. On the Feasibility of Linking Census Samples to the National Death Index for Epidemiologic Studies: A Progress Report. Am J Public Health 1983;73:1265-9.
  3. Makuc D, McMillen M, Feinleib M, McMillen D, Schwartz W, Rogot E. An Overview of the U.S. National Longitudinal Mortality Study. 1984 Proceedings of the Section on Social Statistics; American Statistical Association; 1984.
  4. Johnson NJ, Rogot E, Glover C, Sorlie P, McMillen M. General Mortality Among Selected Census Bureau Sample Cohorts for 1979-1981. 1985 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods; American Statistical Association; 1985 p. 428-33.
  5. Rogot E, Sorlie P, Johnson NJ. Mortality by Cause of Death Among Selected Census Bureau Sample Cohorts for 1979-1981. 1985 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods; American Statistical Association; 1985 p. 444-9.
  6. Rogot E, Sorlie P, Johnson NJ. Probabilistic methods in matching census samples to the National Death Index. J Chronic Dis 1986;39(9):719-34.
  7. Rogot E, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. A Mortality Study of One Million Persons by Demographic, Social and Economic Factors: 1979-1981 Follow-up. First Data Book. NIH Publication No 88-2896 ed. National Institutes of Health, PHS, DHHS; 1988.
  8. Sorlie PD, Rogot E. Mortality by employment status in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Am J Epidemiol 1990 November;132(5):983-92.
  9. Rogot E, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. A Mortality Study of 1.3 Million Persons by Demographic, Social and Economic Factors: 1979-1985 Follow-up. Second Data Book. NIH Publication No 92-3297 ed. National Institutes of Health, PHS, DHHS; 1992.
  10. Rogot E, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. Life expectancy by employment status, income, and education in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Public Health Rep 1992 July;107(4):457-61.
  11. Rogot E, Sorlie PD, Backlund E. Air-conditioning and mortality in hot weather. Am J Epidemiol 1992 July 1;136(1):106-16.
  12. Sorlie P, Rogot E, Anderson R, Johnson NJ, Backlund E. Black-white mortality differences by family income. Lancet 1992 August 8;340(8815):346-50.
  13. Sorlie PD, Rogot E, Johnson NJ. Validity of demographic characteristics on the death certificate. Epidemiology 1992 March;3(2):181-4.
  14. Sorlie PD, Backlund E, Johnson NJ, Rogot E. Mortality by Hispanic status in the United States. JAMA 1993 November 24;270(20):2464-8.
  15. Howard G, Anderson R, Sorlie P, Andrews V, Backlund E, Burke GL. Ethnic differences in stroke mortality between non-Hispanic whites, Hispanic whites, and blacks. The National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Stroke 1994 November;25(11):2120-5.
  16. Kposowa AJ, Singh GK, Breault K. The effects of marital status and social isolation on adult male suicides in the United States: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. J Quantitative Criminology 1994;10:277-89.
  17. Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ, Backlund E, Bradham DD. Mortality in the uninsured compared with that in persons with public and private health insurance. Arch Intern Med 1994 November 14;154(21):2409-16.
  18. Howard G, Russell GB, Anderson R, Evans GW, Morgan T, Howard VJ, Burke GL. Role of social class in excess black stroke mortality. Stroke 1995 October;26(10):1759-63.
  19. Hoyert DL, Singh GK, Rosenberg HM. Sources of data on socio-economic differential mortality in the United States. J Official Stat 1995;11:233-60.
  20. Kposowa AJ, Breault K, Singh GK. White male suicide in the United States: A multivariate individual-level analysis. Social Forces 1995;74:315-23.
  21. Preston SH, Elo IT. Are educational differentials in adult mortality increasing in the United States? J Aging Health 1995 November;7(4):476-96.
  22. Smith MH, Anderson RT, Bradham DD, Longino CF, Jr. Rural and urban differences in mortality among Americans 55 years and older: analysis of the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. J Rural Health 1995;11(4):274-85.
  23. Sorlie PD, Backlund E, Keller JB. US mortality by economic, demographic, and social characteristics: the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Am J Public Health 1995 July;85(7):949-56.
  24. Backlund E, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. The shape of the relationship between income and mortality in the United States. Evidence from the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Ann Epidemiol 1996 January;6(1):12-20.
  25. Elo IT, Preston SH. Educational differentials in mortality: United States, 1979-85. Soc Sci Med 1996 January;42(1):47-57.
  26. Singh GK, Yu SM. Trends and differentials in adolescent and young adult mortality in the United States, 1950 through 1993. Am J Public Health 1996 April;86(4):560-4.
  27. Singh GK, Yu SM. US childhood mortality, 1950 through 1993: Trends and socioeconomic diffferentials. Am J Public Health 1996 April;86(4):505-12.
  28. Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. Validity of education information on the death certificate. Epidemiology 1996 July;7(4):437-9.
  29. Anderson RT, Sorlie P, Backlund E, Johnson N, Kaplan GA. Mortality effects of community socioeconomic status. Epidemiology 1997 January;8(1):42-7.
  30. Gregorio DI, Walsh SJ, Paturzo D. The effects of occupation-based social position on mortality in a large American cohort. Am J Public Health 1997 September;87(9):1472-5.
  31. Howard G, Anderson R, Johnson NJ, Sorlie P, Russell G, Howard VJ. Evaluation of social status as a contributing factor to the stroke belt region of the United States. Stroke 1997 May;28(5):936-40.
  32. Hussey JM. The effects of race, socioeconomic status, and household structure on injury mortality in children and young adults. Matern Child Health J 1997 December;1(4):217-27.
  33. Kunst A. Cross-national Comparisons of Socio-Economic Differences in Mortality. Rotterdam: Erasmus University; 1997.
  34. AbraĆ­do-Lanza AF, Dohrenwend BP, Ng-Mak DS, Turner JB. The Latino mortality paradox: a test of the "salmon bias" and healthy migrant hypotheses. Am J Public Health 1999 October;89(10):1543-8.
  35. Backlund E, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. A comparison of the relationships of education and income with mortality: the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Soc Sci Med 1999 November;49(10):1373-84.
  36. Johnson NJ, Sorlie PD, Backlund E. The impact of specific occupation on mortality in the U.S. National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Demography 1999 August;36(3):355-67.
  37. Kposowa AJ. Suicide mortality in the United States: differentials by industrial and occupational groups. Am J Ind Med 1999 December;36(6):645-52.
  38. Kunst AE, Groenhof F, Andersen O, Borgan JK, Costa G, Desplanques G, Filakti H, Giraldes MR, Faggiano F, Harding S, Junker C, Martikainen P, Minder C, Nolan B, Pagnanelli F, Regidor E, Vagero D, Valkonen T, Mackenbach JP. Occupational class and ischemic heart disease mortality in the United States and 11 European countries. Am J Public Health 1999 January;89(1):47-53.
  39. Liao Y, McGee DL, Cooper RS. Mortality among US adult Asians and Pacific Islanders: findings from the National Health Interview Surveys and the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Ethn Dis 1999;9(3):423-33.
  40. Mackenbach JP, Kunst AE, Groenhof F, Borgan JK, Costa G, Faggiano F, Jozan P, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Rychtarikova J, Valkonen T. Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality among women and among men: an international study. Am J Public Health 1999 December;89(12):1800-6.
  41. Ng-Mak DS, Dohrenwend BP, Abraido-Lanza AF, Turner JB. A further analysis of race differences in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Am J Public Health 1999 November;89(11):1748-51.
  42. Rosenberg HM, Maurer JD, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ, MacDorman MF, Hoyert DL, Spitler JF, Scott C. Quality of death rates by race and Hispanic origin: a summary of current research, 1999. Vital Health Stat 2 1999 September;(128):1-13.
  43. Wolfson M, Kaplan G, Lynch J, Ross N, Backlund E. Relation between income inequality and mortality: empirical demonstration. BMJ 1999 October 9;319(7215):953-5.
  44. Howard G, Anderson RT, Russell G, Howard VJ, Burke GL. Race, socioeconomic status, and cause-specific mortality. Ann Epidemiol 2000 May;10(4):214-23.
  45. Jackson SA, Anderson RT, Johnson NJ, Sorlie PD. The relation of residential segregation to all-cause mortality: a study in black and white. Am J Public Health 2000 April;90(4):615-7.
  46. Johnson NJ, Backlund E, Sorlie PD, Loveless CA. Marital status and mortality: the national longitudinal mortality study. Ann Epidemiol 2000 May;10(4):224-38.
  47. Kposowa AJ. Marital status and suicide in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2000 April;54(4):254-61.
  48. Singh GK, Hoyert DL. Social epidemiology of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis mortality in the United States, 1935-1997: trends and differentials by ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and alcohol consumption. Hum Biol 2000 October;72(5):801-20.
  49. Singh GK. Socioeconomic and behavioral differences in health, morbidity, and mortality in Kansas: empirical data models and analyses. In: Tarlov A, St.Peter R, editors. The Society and Population Health Reader, Volume II: A State and Community Perspective. New York: The New York Press; 2000. p. 15-56.
  50. Kaufman JS, Kaufman S. Assessment of structured socioeconomic effects on health. Epidemiology 2001 March;12(2):157-67.
  51. Kposowa AJ. Unemployment and suicide: a cohort analysis of social factors predicting suicide in the US National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Psychol Med 2001 January;31(1):127-38.
  52. Muntaner C, Sorlie P, O'Campo P, Johnson N, Backlund E. Occupational hierarchy, economic sector, and mortality from cardiovascular disease among men and women. Findings from the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Ann Epidemiol 2001 April;11(3):194-201.
  53. Richardus JH, Kunst AE. Black-white differences in infectious disease mortality in the United States. Am J Public Health 2001 August;91(8):1251-3.
  54. Singh GK, Siahpush M. All-cause and cause-specific mortality of immigrants and native born in the United States. Am J Public Health 2001 March;91(3):392-9.
  55. Singh GK, Siahpush M. Ethnic-immigrant differentials in health behaviors, morbidity, and cause-specific mortality in the United States: an analysis of two national data bases. Hum Biol 2002 February;74(1):83-109.
  56. Lin CC, Rogot E, Johnson NJ, Sorlie PD, Arias E. A further study of life expectancy by socioeconomic factors in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Ethn Dis 2003;13(2):240-7.
  57. Phelan JC, Link BG, ez-Roux A, Kawachi I, Levin B. "Fundamental causes" of social inequalities in mortality: a test of the theory. J Health Soc Behav 2004 September;45(3):265-85.
  58. Sorlie PD, Coady S, Lin C, Arias E. Factors associated with out-of-hospital coronary heart disease death: the national longitudinal mortality study. Ann Epidemiol 2004 August;14(7):447-52.
  59. Kim C, Eby E, Piette JD. Is education associated with mortality for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease among black and white women? Gend Med 2005 March;2(1):13-8.
  60. Lin CC, Johnson NJ. Decomposition of life expectancy and expected life-years lost by disease. Stat Med 2006 June 15;25(11):1922-36.
  61. van Wijngaarden E, Dosemeci M. Brain cancer mortality and potential occupational exposure to lead: Findings from the National Longitudinal Mortality Study, 1979-1989. Int J Cancer 2006 March 28;119(5):1136-44.
  62. Backlund E, Rowe G, Lynch J, Wolfson MC, Kaplan GA, Sorlie PD. Income inequality and mortality: a multilevel prospective study of 521 248 individuals in 50 US states. Int J Epidemiol 2007 April 2;.
  63. Clegg LX, Reichman ME, Hankey BF, Miller BA, Lin YD, Johnson NJ, Schwartz SM, Bernstein L, Chen VW, Goodman MT, Gomez SL, Graff JJ, Lynch CF, Lin CC, Edwards BK. Quality of race, Hispanic ethnicity, and immigrant status in population-based cancer registry data: implications for health disparity studies. Cancer Causes Control 2007 March;18(2):177-87.
  64. Arias E, Schauman W, Eschbach K, Sorlie P, Backlund E. The validity of race and Hispanic origin reporting on death certificates in the United States. National Center for Health Statistics; 2008. Report No.: 2(148).
  65. Meara ER, Richards S, Cutler DM. The Gap Gets Bigger: Changes In Mortality and Life Expectancy, By Education, 1981-2000. Health Aff 2008;27(2):350-60.
  66. Clegg LX, Reichman ME, Miller BA, Hankey BF, Singh GK, Lin YD, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Schwartz SM, Chen VW, Bernstein L, Gomez SL, Graff JJ, Lin CC, Johnson NJ, Edwards BK. Impact of socioeconomic status on cancer incidence and stage at diagnosis: selected findings from the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results: National Longitudinal Mortality Study. Cancer Causes Control 2008 November 12.
  67. Edwards RD, Tuljiapurkar S. Inequality in Life Spans and a New Perspective on Mortality Convergence across Industrialized Countries. Pop Dev Rev 2005;31(4):645-74.
  68. Edwards RD. Who is hurt by procyclical mortality? Soc Sci Med 2008;67:2051-8.