Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does UFAS / ADAAG permit the use of portable ramps?

    Portable ramps, ramps which are temporarily bolted down, and built in ramps which require assistance to deploy / use, are not permitted under UFAS.

  2. Can you use a cup dispenser adjacent to a drinking fountain complying with ADAAG 4.15 in lieu of providing a "high-low" drinking fountain?

    WHEN the provided fountain accommodates people having difficulty bending down to the wheelchair accessible fountain complying with ADAAG 4.15, you can use a cup dispenser.

  3. Is leased space required to be accessible?

    All leased space must be accessible. Lease renewals, lease options, etc, must be treated as new leases.

  4. Are all repairs and alterations (R&A) required to include costs for upgrading accessibility features?

    All repairs and alterations are required to include costs for upgrading accessibility features. When existing buildings are renovated, they must be made accessible, achieving the goal of full accessibility in all federal buildings (including exterior access). Several small projects in the same building may also constitute a total alteration and thus require that the entire space be made accessible.

  5. Can an accessibility complaint corrective action be placed on hold until the next repair project is undertaken?

    An accessibility complaint corrective action cannot be placed on hold until the next repair project is undertaken. A valid complaint must be corrected at the earliest possible date. By law, the Access Board has 180 days to resolve a complaint. A correction or corrective plan of action must be proposed within that time.

  6. Construction drawings dimensioned in metric were arrived at by multiplying inches by 25.4 giving the metric equivalent in millimeters Based on this calculation, it seems as if the ADAAG and UFAS metric equivalents have been rounded up. Can this conversion be used?

    In order to be compliant with ADAAG and/or UFAS the metric equivalent must be used as provided in ADAAG and UFAS.

  7. Does GSA have Design Guidelines for Accessibility?

    GSA does have Design Guidelines for Accessibility. See the Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service - P100, (Sections 1.10 & 9.2).

  8. Are historic properties required to meet ABA/ADA?

    Historic properties are required to meet ABA/ADA. Every reasonable attempt must be made to meet the requirements of UFAS/ADAAG to make every Federal building accessible. If compliance with barrier removal is not readily achievable, other achievable measures should be sought.

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