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Scott Sherman
Classroom Fellow
High School History
Brownsville, Texas

Photo of  Scott Sherman, Classroom Fellow
video Scott Sherman, identifies what he sees as the most important qualities a teacher should have.

When I was an undergraduate at Bradley University, I became very close with two of my professors. Both professors took a serious interest in my education. Due to my experiences with these wonderful teachers, I wanted to become a college professor. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out the way I planned. My parents moved to Brownsville, Texas and asked me to help open a small restaurant. I said yes and dropped my plans to go to graduate school.

I had been running a business that I had no interest in for about 12 years when I saw an advertisement for an alternative teacher certification program. This was my chance to become a teacher. I entered the program and, within five months, I became an eighth grade history teacher.

I guess I was blessed because my first year went extremely well. I had a great group of students and had excellent support from my colleagues and administration. I was really happy. I found my true calling in life.

That was 17 years ago. I love teaching just as much as I did when I started. I spent 16 years at the middle school level. Last year, I decided to experience high school. The change of campuses has been very enlightening. One thing I have come to realize is "teaching is teaching," no matter the grade level.

Many great moments have occurred in my professional life. I have been blessed to be recognized for my contributions to education. In 2000, I was selected as the Brownsville Independent School District Secondary Teacher of the Year. That year, I participated in the Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program, through which 600 teachers traveled to Japan for three weeks. This experience allowed me to increase my awareness and understanding of Japanese culture, with an emphasis on the education system. In 2006, I had the honor to travel to Korea to participate in the Korean Studies Workshop for American Educators. Our entourage of 48 teachers from throughout the United States visited South Korea for two weeks to study every aspect of Korean culture.

Also in 2006, I began teaching education courses at the University of Texas at Brownsville as an adjunct professor in the curriculum and instruction department. Although my background is in secondary public education, I believe I am providing significant insight into the teaching profession to help new educators.

I have lived in Brownsville for the past 29 years. My wife, Irma, and I enjoy traveling throughout the world and spending time with family.

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Last Modified: 08/27/2008