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Partner Information

Partner Name Dallas County Medical Reserve Corps
Partner Type Medical Reserve Corps
Program Date 2003-09-30
Number of Volunteers 1351
Number of Programs
Number of Triners
Number of Graduates
Program Web Site
Partner Web Site
Program Description
The Dallas County MRC continues to establish new partnerships which include a broad spectrum of local emergency response agencies as well as the medical and mental health communities. Housed within the Dallas County Department of Health & Human Services Public Health Preparedness Division, the Dallas County Medical Reserve Corps focuses on training its community volunteers to supplement existing emergency response services. Included in this training is POD specific role training as well as staffing of medical clinics within shelters for displaced populations. Because it recognizes the challenge of preparing for a mass casualty event which could affect the public health of Dallas County's more than 2.3 million people, the unit constantly looks to recruit new volunteers. In addition, Dallas County MRC functions cooperatively with three contiguous county MRC units with plans that will facilitate sharing of volunteers during deployment. The volunteer base is comprised of medical and non-medical professionals, corporate executives, managers, laborers, and retirees who have indicated a strong sense of commitment to both training and emergency response. The unit also provides support to a variety of local public health initiatives some of which are outlined in the MRC core competencies.

Partner's Point Of Contact

First Name Jess
Last Name Wade
Street Address 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway
City Dallas
State TX
Zip Code 75207
Phone Number (214) 819-1922
Email / User Name

Areas Served

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Jurisdiction Type
A zip code within the U.S. 75207