A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Family Involvement in Children's Education - October 1997

Appendix B: Wendell Phillips VPA Magnet School

Program/School, LEA, City, State

Program Description

Student Characteristics

Parent Involvement Activities/Strategies

Grades Served;


% Poverty1
and Title I Status

Wendell Phillips VPA Magnet School

Kansas City Public Schools

Kansas City, MO


  • Parent/community liaison averages 10 home visits per week to get parents' input on important issues and to discuss children's academic or social problems.

  • Parent/community liaison arranges carpools, drives parents herself, or arranges for parents to take taxis to school.

  • Parent resource area lends learning kits, educational videos, how-to materials, books, and tapes to support student learning at home. Approximately 10–15 parents visit each day.

    Funding Sources2:

  • Title I, state desegregation funding, community volunteers, donations from local business partners

    Evidence of Success:

  • During the 1995–96 school year, approximately 150 parents attended parent/teacher conferences.

  • An orientation session on state, district, and school policies at the beginning of the 1996-97 school year was attended by 157 parents.

  • There were no increases in some tested subject areas on the ITBS from 1994-95 to 1995-96; however, first grade made some modest increases (e.g., vocabulary by three percentile points and math concepts by four percentile points); also third and fifth grades saw increases in math.

  • K–5


    70% African American

    22% white

    8% Hispanic and other minority

    79% FRL

    Schoolwide Program

    Magnet School

    1 All schools and districts included in this Idea Book receive Title I funding. This column indicates whether a school has implemented a schoolwide program.

    2 Administrators in many schools cannot separate the costs of parent involvement efforts from other reforms and activities. This is especially true in schools that have implemented schoolwide programs (as have most schools in this appendix). However, administrators reported that, in addition to their school or district general operating budget, the funding sources listed here provide a major source of support for their parent involvement efforts.

    [Parent Resource Center] [Table of Contents] [The Alliance Schools Initiative]