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SW-846 Software


Method 8261 Data Processing Software

SMCReporter performs required method 8261 calculations after GC/MS data is converted into SMCReporter format. Software is also available for converting GC/MS data into SMCReporter format.

SMCReporter4.2 Release 12/16/08

  • For PCs using Windows 98 or later operating system

SMCReporter4.0 Release 05/06/06

  • For PCs using Windows 98 or later operating system


  • For translating Agilent ChemStation results into SMCReporter format


  • For translating ThermoElectron Excalibur results into SMCReporter format.

An illustration of method 8261 software:

Creating the Calibration Curve and Processing Method 8261 Data Quantitation Reports through SMCReporter V4.0 (PDF) [46 pp, 762KB, About PDF]




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Environmental Sciences | Research & Development
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Author:  Mike Hiatt
Email:  Hiatt.Mike@epa.gov or Pia.Stephen@epa.gov
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