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Pago Pago Incident News, photos, and information about natural resour...
Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) at the...
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Mosaic Acidic Process Water Release - Preassessment Report Preassessment Data Report Mosaic Acid Water Proces...
(Document format: PDF , size: 10.3 M)
Featured Emergency Response Image Galleries
Mearns Rock Time Series
A photo time series of Mearns Rock, a large boulde... (19 images)
Major Oil Spills
A gallery featuring photos of some of the world's ... (10 images)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Photos of OR&R in action during Hurricanes Katrina... (17 images)
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Evaluating oil and chemical behavior and assessing effects and damage from spills.
Featured:Software & Data SetsPublicationsWeb Portals
exxon valdez Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Overview of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Includes links to many related resources, including photo galleries.
Field Tools Team: Equipping On-scene Responders and Improving Situational Awareness The Emergency Response Division’s Field Tool Team works to advance ORR on-scene response capabilities through the development of tools for data collection, synthesis, management, and sharing.
Hurricane Ike Response Description of OR&R's on-going response to Hurricane Ike.
Investigating the Top of the Water Column Take a look at the creatures living at the top of the water column, which could be affected by an oil spill. For high school students or older people.
Mearns Rock Time Series How does marine life recover from a major, one-time stress, such as an oil spill? As you will learn here, the answer is not simple.
Oil Spills at the Water's Edges When oil spills into the ocean, it's especially likely to harm animals and plants at two interfaces: near the surface of the water and along the shore.
Prince William Sound: An Ecosystem in Transition How did the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and the response to the spill, affect living organisms and their habitats? Here are some 1997 results and assessments from NOAA biologists conducting long-term monitoring.
Prince William Sound: Our Changing Perspective on Recovery A 1999 update from NOAA biologists studying the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on the biological communities of Prince William Sound.
Summary Points: 10 Years of Intertidal Monitoring After the Exxon Valdez Spill A short summary of the main findings of NOAA biologists studying the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on intertidal shorelines in Prince William Sound.

Software & Data Sets supporting Assessing Environmental Harm Pages on our site that provide access to software created by the Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) to aid first responders, planners, and restoration practitioners.
Using Maps to Evaluate Environmental Tradeoffs
Instructions and materials for an exercise in which you plan a protection strategy for a coastline threatened by an oil spill.
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Publications about Assessing Environmental Harm Pages on our site that provide access to publications containing scientific information, field guides, and other material.
icon for coastal navigation. Characteristic Coastal Habitats: Choosing Spill Response Alternatives
A job aid illustrating typical attributes of North American coastal habitats at risk from oil spills. The text describes each habitat and discusses how oil is likely to behave there, and considerations for treating oil.
icon for response navigation. Characteristics of Response Strategies: A Guide for Spill Response Planning in Marine Environments
A job aid designed to help spill responders select appropriate response options to minimize environmental impacts when oil spills in coastal habitats.
The head of a green turtle photographed underwater. Oil and Sea Turtles: Biology, Planning, and Response
A basic overview of sea turtle biology, summarizes what is known about the effects of oil on sea turtles.
Line drawing of fish in a coral reef. Oil Spills in Coral Reefs: Planning and Response Considerations
A 2001 report summarizing relevant research on coral reefs, written for anyone working in or planning for spill response in coral reef regions.
Mangrove tree. Oil Spills in Mangroves: Planning and Response Considerations
A 2002 report summarizing current research on mangrove ecosystems for spill response decisionmakers.
Oil on water. Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation
An online aid for assessing the character and extent of oil spilled on open water.
A NOAA seafood tester examines seafood as part of a sensory test. Seafood Safety after an Oil Spill
Publications that describe how to monitor seafood for exposure and contamination after an oil spill.
Sediment Quality Guidelines (ERL/ERM)
The guidelines were initially intended for use by NOAA in ranking areas that warranted further detailed study, and for use in ranking chemicals that might be of potential concern.
Shoreline Assessment Forms
Forms that responders can use to record their observations during a shoreline survey following an oil spill.
Shoreline Assessment icon. Shoreline Assessment Job Aid
A supplement to the Shoreline Assessment Manual, containing visual examples of many of the terms you would use during shoreline assessments after an oil spill.
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Web Portals to sites about Assessing Environmental Harm Pages on our site that provide information about and access to Web sites of closely-related agencies and programs.
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program
NOAA's Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) is responsible for assessing and restoring coastal and marine resources injured by oil spills, hazardous substance releases, and vessel groundings.
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Current News: Emergency Response
Web Site Survey Take a voluntary Web site survey to indicate your level of satisfaction with OR&R's Web offerings. (updated: April 2, 2009)
New MARPLOT and ALOHA Released New versions of a NOAA/EPA mapping program and chemical hazard model are now available! (updated: March 30, 2009)
NOAA Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill On Friday, March 13, 2009 the Office of Response and Restoration held an event to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. This NOAA Hill event focused on the progress our Nation has made in oil spill preparedness, response and restoration. (posted: March 24, 2009)
NEW CAMEO 2.0 and CAMEO Chemicals website New components of the CAMEO software suite are now available! (updated: February 12, 2009)
Of Special Note: Emergency Response
IncidentNews News and information on current and historical incidents, including the crash of US Air flight 1549 into the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009.
An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support A guidebook for oil and chemical spill responders, describing the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team (SST) can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
CAMEO Chemicals Database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards. Available in online and downloadable versions.
CAMEO Chemicals Web Portal Use the online version of CAMEO Chemicals to search for hazardous chemical datasheets, get response recommendations, and find out how chemicals would react if they mixed.
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