Pathfinder SST Time Series

The Sea Surface Temperature (SST) time series for 24 coral reef sites linked from the table below are the time series derived from the NOAA/NASA Pathfinder V4 9-km satellite AVHRR SSTs. The 24 reef sites are the selected sites for NOAA Coral Reef Watch's operational Coral Bleaching Virtual Stations Web page. These time series were updated in March 2004 using the Pathfinder V4 9-km satellite nighttime-only SSTs: V4.1 for 1985-1999 and Interm V4.1 for 2000-2003. For more information, please check out the NOAA NODC Pathfinder SST Website. The 9 km pixel locations where the time series were extracted are the pixels closest to the 50 km pixels where the near-real-time satellite SSTs are extracted for the 24 reef sites on the Coral Bleaching Virtual Stations Web page. The centers of the Pathfinder 9 km pixels may differ slightly from the centers of their corresponding operational 50 km pixels.

In the time series charts, Coral Bleaching Threshold SST = Maximum Monthly Mean SST + 1 degree C. Please note that the thresholds used on the Pathfinder SST time series charts were derived from the Pathfinder SSTs and are often different from the thresholds used for the near-real-time time series for the 24 reef sites, which were derived from operational SSTs.

Click on a location name to see the SST time series at that location.

Atlantic Ocean
Peak season*
(N) Jul-Sep
(S) Jan-Mar

Pacific Ocean
Peak season*
(N) Jul-Sep
(S) Jan-Mar

Indian Ocean
Peak season*
(N) Apr-Jun
(S) Jan-Apr

32.04N 64.47W**

Midway Atoll, US
28.52N, 177.50W

12.96N, 144.54E

Oman - Muscat
24.04N, 57.96E

Sombrero Reef, FL
25.00N 81.52W

Oahu-Maui, HI
20.96N, 157.98W

11.47N, 162.03E

4.09N, 73.08E

Palmyra Atoll
6.02N, 162.03W

7.51N, 133.99E

4.97S, 56.03E

Puerto Rico
17.97N, 67.54W

1.01S, 90.04W

Davies Reef GBR, AU
19.03S, 147.52E

Cobourg Park, AU
10.50S, 132.50E

Virgin Islands, US
17.97N, 65W

American Samoa-Ofu
14.02S, 170.02W

Heron Island GBR, AU
23.51S, 152.01E

Scott Reef, AU
14.02S, 122.04E

Glovers, Belize
16.57N, 87.93W

17.53S, 150.51W

18.50S, 178.46E

Ningaloo, AU
21.49S, 114.04E

* Peak season: the season when coral bleaching usually occurs in a year. Peak season is usually the local summer season. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer season is typically July through September; in the Southern Hemisphere, the summer season is typically January through March.
** Latitude and longitude given here for each reef site are the latitude and longitude of the center of a 9 km satellite SST pixel.

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Last revision: 5 Jan 2006
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