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Tim Wade

E-Mail: wade.timothy@epa.gov
Phone (919)-541-4119 Fax (919)-541-4329


Research Interests:

Current Projects:

Selected Publications:

Stephman, S., J. D. Wickham, T. G. Wade, and J. Smith. Designing a Multi-Objective Multi-Support Accuracy Assessment of the 2001 National Land Cover Data (NLCD 2001) of the Conterminous United States. Photogrammetric Engineering and RemoteSensing. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, 74(12):1561-1571, (2008). (TIP #07-070, Journal Article), Published 12/01/2008.

Wickham, J.D., Riitters, K.H., Wade, T.G., Coulston, J.W. 2007 Temporal change in forest fragmentation at multiple scales. Landscape Ecology 22(4):481-489.

Wickham, J.D., Riitters, K.H., Wade, T.G., Coan, M. and Homer, C. 2007. The effect of Appalachian mountaintop mining on interior forest. Landscape Ecology 22(2):179-187.

Mehaffey, M.H., Nash, M.S.,Wade, T.G.,Ebert, D.W.,Jones, K.B. and Rager, A. 2005. Linking Land Cover and Water Quality in New York City Water Supply Watersheds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 107: 29-44.

Wade, T. G., K. H. Riitters, J. D. Wickham, and K. B. Jones. 2003. Distribution and causes of global forest fragmentation. Conservation Ecology 7(2): 7. [online] URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol7/iss2/art7

Wade, T.G., Wickham, J.D., Nash, M.S., Neale, A.C., Riitters, K.H., and Jones, K.B. 2003. A comparison of vector and raster GIS methods for calculating landscape metrics used in environmental assessments. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(12): 1399-1405.

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