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Ann M. Pitchford, Ph.D.

Research Environmental Scientist
E-Mail: pitchford.ann@epa.gov
Phone (702) 798-2366


Experience (U.S. EPA):

Awards and Honors:

Selected Publications:

Pitchford, A. M., A. C. Neale, D. W. Ebert, R. D. Van Remortel, and J. D. Stark. Midwestern Streams Modeled Using Landscape Metrics: Volume 2, Preliminary Statistical Results and Models. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/X-08/016. (TIP #08-136, Internal Report), Published on 10/30/2008.

Pitchford, et al., 2005. Atlas of Pesticides and Nutrients in Small Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain during Winter and Spring Base Flow. (in preparation)

Pitchford, et al., 2005. Landscapes Approach for Assessing Stream Condition: Landscape Indicators for Pesticides Study-Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams. (in preparation)

Ator, et al., 2003. Application of a Multipurpose Unequal Probability Stream Survey in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, J. of the American Water Resources Association, 39(4), 872-885.

Ator, et al., 2001. Developing Landscape-Indicator Models for Pesticides and Nutrients in Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, and others, USGS Fact Sheet FS-157-00.

Jones, et al., 2000. A National Assessment of Landscape Change and Impacts to Aquatic Resources, a 10-Year Research Strategy for the Landscape Sciences Program, EPA/600/R-00/001.

Pitchford, et al., 2000. Testing Landscape Indicators for Stream Vulnerability to Pesticides and Nutrients: Landscape Indicators for Pesticides Study for Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams (LIPS-MACS), EPA/600/R-00/087, 84 p.

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