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Megan H. Mehaffey, Ph.D.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
109 T.W. Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Tel: 919.541-4205; Fax: 919.421.1138; Email: mehaffey.megan@epa.gov


Landscape assessments looking at relationships between land use patterns and indicators of water, air, habitat, and quality of life.  Focus on the use of statistical and geospatial analysis in cooperation with multi-disciplinary teams. Developing studies to assess land use management scenarios and evaluating impacts on  water quality protection. Development of work plans, metrics, and tools for projects in order to develop methods of a comprehensive assessment, combining databases from multiple fields of study, including Land, Air, Water, Human Health, and Socio-Economics to identify cumulative effects on current and future conditions. Development and application of agro-ecology, ecosystem ecology, soil erosion and erosion models, as well as physical, chemical and biological water quality data, collecting and filtering, and statistical analysis, as applies to landscape ecology and watershed assessments.

Academic Record

Current Projects

Selected Publications

Mehaffey, M.H., Nash, M.S., Neale, A.C., Pitchford, A.M., 2007. Macroinvertebrate Response to Land Use and Stream Chemistry in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plains. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 124:141-156.

Mehaffey, M.H., Nash, M.S., Wade, T.G., Ebert, D.W., Jones, K.B., Rager, A. 2005. Linking Land Cover and Water Quality in New York City’s Water Supply Watersheds.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. August 2005.

Mehaffey, M.H., Fisher, D.S., Burns, J.C. 2005. Photosynthesis and Nutritive Value in Leaves of Three Warm-Season Grasses Before and After Defoliation, Agronomy Journal. 97:755-759.

Mehaffey, M.H., Wade, T.G., Nash, M.S., and Edmonds, C.M. 2003. Analysis of Land Cover and Water Quality in the New York Catskill-Delaware Basins in D.J. Rapport, W.L. Lasley, D.E. Rolston, N.O. Nielsen, C.O. Qualset, and A.B. Damania (eds.) Managing forHealthy Ecosystems, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida USA.

Miller, S.N., Kepner, W.G., Mehaffey, M.H., Hernandez, M., Miller, R.C., Goodrich, D.C., Devonald, F.K, 2002. Landscape Approach to Watershed Assessment and Management: San Pedro and Catskill/Delaware Studies. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Vol 38 No.4, pp915-929. 

Jones, K.B., Heggem, D.T., Wade, T.G., Neale, A.C., Ebert, D.W., Nash, M.S., Mehaffey, M.H., Hermann, K.A., Selle, A.R., Augustine, S., Goodman, I.A., Pedersen, J., Bolgrien, D., Viger, J.M., Chiang, D., Lin, C.J., Zhong, Y., Baker, J., and Van Remortel, R.D. 2000. Assessing Landscape Condition Relative to Water Resources in the Western United States: A Strategic Approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 64: 227-245.

Selected Technical Manuals and Reports

Wagner, Paul F., R.V. O’Neill, L.T. Tran, M. Mehaffey, T. Wade, and E. R. Smith  2006.  Regional Vulnerability Assessment for the Mid-Atlantci Region: Forecasts to 2020 and Changes in Relative Condition and Vulnerability.  EPA/600/R-06/088.

Mehaffey, M.H., Nash, M.S., Wade, T.G., Edmonds, C.M., Ebert, D.W., Jones, K.B., Rager 2002.  A Landscape Assessment of the Catskill/Delaware Watersheds 1975-1998: New York City’s Water Supply Wtersheds. EPA/600/R-01/075.

Pitchford, A.M., J.M. Denver, A.R. Olsen, S.W. Ator, S. Cormier, M.S. Nash, M.H. Mehaffey, 2000. Testing Landscape Indicators for Stream Condition Related to Pesticides and Nutrients: Landscape Indicators for Pesticides Study for Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams.  United States Environmental Protection Agency Report, EPA/600/R-00/087.

Mehaffey, M.H., Wade, T.G., Nash, M.S., and Edmonds, C.M. 1999. A Landscape Analysis of the Catskill/Delaware Watersheds (1975-1998): New York City=s Water Supply. United States Environmental Protection Agency Report, EPA/600/R-99/102.

Kindscher, K., Mehaffey, M.H., Fraser, A., and Pogge, E. 1999 Kansas Department of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Sites -- Analysis and Opportunity for Improving Success. State Biological Survey of Kansas, Report No 82.

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