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John T. Lin

Physical Scientist
Landscape Ecology Branch
Environmental Science Division

Education/ Training

Professional experience

Selected awards and honors

Selected publications

Lin, J., (in review), Ice Surface Topography Digital Elevation Model by Interferometric SAR Method, GIScience & Remote Sensing

Lin, J., C.K. Shum, H. Tseng, (in review), Tide Gauge Measurement Corrections to Absolute Sea Level by Vertical Land Motion Solution, Journal of Surveying Engineering

Selected presentations

Lopez, R.D., and J. Lin, 2007, Airborne Hyperspectral Identification of Invasive and Opportunistic Wetlands Plant Species, SWS Workshop on Monitoring Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Using Remote Sensing Techniques, Cleary College, Ann Arbor, MI, September 12-14

Lopez, R.D., and J. Lin, 2007, All That "Phrag": Bringing Engineering, Wetland Ecology, Environmental Science, and Landscape Ecology to Bear on the Question of the Common Reed in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands, 50th Annual IAGLR Conference on Great Lakes Research, University Park, PA, May 28-June 1

Lopez, R.D., and J. Lin, 2006, Using Remote Sensing and Landscape Ecology to Assess the Condition of Great Lakes Wetlands, International Symposium Wetlands 2006: Applying Scientific, Legal, and Management Tools to the Great Lakes and Beyond, Traverse City, MI, August 28-31

Lin, J., 2003, Measure of Devon Island Icecap Surface Elevation using SAR Interferometry and Comparison of DEM Interpolation Techniques, National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Surveying Engineering Seminar, March 16


My expertise is in use of remote sensing and geographic information systems to provide accurate broad-scale data to make decisions about environmental conditions, with emphasis on wetland ecology. I apply geodetic science theories to improve the accuracy and representativeness of data through better sampling designs, equipment, methods, and through improved statistical data interpretation into my research. I have knowledge of all traditional functions involved in photogrammetry; photo interpretation; geodesy; mathematical and statistical analyses; and geography and geographic information system analyses.

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