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William G. Kepner

Research Ecologist
E-Mail: kepner.william@epa.gov
Phone (702) 798-2193   Fax (702) 798-2208


Professional Registration


Recognized expert in environmental monitoring and assessment; responsible for research and development of landscape pattern indicators, tool development (http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/agwa/index.htm), and their application for multi-scale programs to measure ecological and watershed condition. Specifically, directs research that applies in small community-based watersheds (see http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/san-pedro.htm) to regional and international scale projects (see below).

Professional Experience


Professional Activities

Websites of Consideration

San Pedro River (U.S./Mexico)

Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment GIS Tool

Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (Wildlife Habitat and Land Cover Mapping for Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico)

NATO Pilot Study on the Use of Landscape Sciences for Environmental Assessment EPA Exit Disclaimer

NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Desertification in the Mediterranean Region , (also see http://www.nato.int/science/news/2003/n031202a.htm)

National Program for Monitoring Stream Condition in the Western U.S.

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Selected Publications and Reports

Levick, L. R., D. C. Goodrich, M. Hernandez, J. Fonseca, D. J. Semmens, J. Stromberg, M. Tluczek, R. A. Leidy, M. Scianni, P. D. Guertin, and W.G. Kepner. The Ecological and Hydrological Significance of Ephermeral and Intermittent Streams In The Arid And Semi-Arid American Southwest. EPA Exit Disclaimer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-08/134, 2008. Published 11/25/2008.

Boykin, K., D. F. Bradford, and W. G. Kepner. Habitat Distribution Models for 37 Vertebrate Species in The Mojave Desert Ecoregion Of Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/R-08/117, 2008. Published on 10/20/2008.

Nash, M. S., D. J. Chaloud, W. G. Kepner, and S. Sarri. Regional Assessment of Landscape and Land Use Change in The Mediterranean Region: Morocco Case Study (1981-2003). Chapter 9, (TIP # 07-071 Book Chapter), Environmental change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting on Hazard Impacts. Springer Netherlands, Netherlands,143-165, (2008). Published 08/28/2008.

Mouat, D. and W. G. Kepner. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations For Policy and Research. Chapter 5, (TIP # 08-122, Book Chapter) Science for Peace and Security Series. Springer Netherlands, Netherlands, 461-469, (2008). Published 08/08/2008.

Kepner, W.G., K.G. Boykin, D.J. Semmens, D.C. Goodrich, C. J. Watts, and D. P. Guertin. 2008. (see pp. 39-40). The San Pedro River - A Case Study for Examining Past Landscape Change and Forecasting Hydrological and Biological Response to Urban Growth and Land-Use Change. In Norman, Laura M., Hirsch, Derrick D., and Ward, A. Wesley, eds., Proceedings of a USGS Workshop on facing tomorrow's challenges along the U.S.- Mexico border; monitoring, modeling, and forecasting change within the Arizona-Sonora transboundary watersheds (PDF) (70 pp., 22MB): U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1322, 63 p.

Lowry, J.H., Jr., W.G. Kepner, K.G. Boykin, K.A. Thomas, D.L. Schrupp, and P. Comer. 2008 (see pp. 41-42). Contemporary Digital Land-Cover Mapping for the American Southwest - The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project. In Norman, Laura M., Hirsch, Derrick D., and Ward, A. Wesley, eds., Proceedings of a USGS Workshop on facing tomorrow's challenges along the U.S.- Mexico border; monitoring, modeling, and forecasting change within the Arizona-Sonora transboundary watersheds (PDF) (70 pp., 22MB): U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1322, 63 p.

D. Phillip Guertin, David C. Goodrich, William G. Kepner, Darius J. Semmens, Mariano Hernandez, Shea Burns, Averill Cate, Lainie Levick, and Scott N. Miller. 2008 (see pp. 49-50). Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA)—A GIS-Based Hydrologic Modeling Tool for Watershed Assessment and Analysis. In Norman, Laura M., Hirsch, Derrick D., and Ward, A. Wesley, eds., Proceedings of a USGS Workshop on facing tomorrow's challenges along the U.S.- Mexico border; monitoring, modeling, and forecasting change within the Arizona-Sonora transboundary watersheds (PDF) (70 pp., 22MB): U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1322, 63 p.

Mouat, D.A., W.G. Kepner, P.A. Liotta, and J. Lancaster (Eds.). (submitted). Environmental Change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting on Hazard Impacts, NATO Security through Science Series, Springer Publishers, The Netherlands.

Kepner, W.G., D.J. Semmens, M. Hernandez, and D.C. Goodrich (accepted). Evaluating Hydrological Response to Forecasted Land-use Change. Special Issue of Association of American Geographers. North American Land Cover Summit.

Nash, M.S., D.J. Chaloud, W.G. Kepner, and S. Sarri (accepted). Regional Assessment of Landscape and Land Use Change in the Mediterranean Region: Morocco Case Study (1981-2003). In Environmental Change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting on Hazard Impacts, NATO Security through Science Series, Springer Publishers, The Netherlands.

Kepner, W.G., M. Hernandez, D.J. Semmens, and D.C. Goodrich. 2008.  The Use of Scenario Analysis to Assess Future Landscape Change on Watershed Condition in the Pacific Northwest (USA). (PDF)[25 pp, 656KB] In Use of Landscape Sciences for Environmental Security, NATO Security through Science Series, Springer Publishers, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-4020-6588-0, pp. 237-261.

Petrosillo, I., F. Mueller, K.B. Jones, G. Zurlini, K. Krauze, S. Victorov, B.L. Li, and W. Kepner (Eds.). 2008. Use of Landscape Sciences for Environmental Security, NATO Security through Science Series, Springer Publishers, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-4020-6588-0, 497 pp. (http://www.springer.com/west/home/generic/search/results?SGWID=4-40109-22-173752975-0).

Jones, K.B., S. Hamann, M. Nash, A. Neale, W. Kepner, T. Wade, J. Walker, F. Mueller, G. Zurlini, N. Zaccarelli, R. Jongman, S. Nedkov, and G. Knight. 2008. Cross-European Landscape Analyses: Illustrative Examples Using Existing Spatial Data. In Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security, NATO Security through Science Series, Springer Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 263-316.

Jones, K.B, C. Edmonds, E. T. Slonecker, J. Wickham, A. Neale, T. Wade, K. Riitters, and W. Kepner. 2008. Detecting changes in riparian habitat conditions based on patterns of greenness change:  A case study from the Upper San Pedro River Basin, USA. Journal of Ecological Indicators: 8, pp. 89-99 (Elsevier).

Prior-Magee, J.S., K.G. Boykin, D.F. Bradford, W.G. Kepner, J.H. Lowry, D.L. Schrupp, K.A. Thomas, and B.C. Thompson, Editors. 2007. Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project Final Report. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, ID. 422 pp.

Nash, Maliha S., Deborah J. Chaloud, and William G. Kepner. 2007. Integration of Statistics, Remote Sensing and Existing Data to Locate Changes in Land Resources: Morocco Case Study. Proceedings of the 26th Annual National Conference on Managing Environmental Quality Systems, 11-14 June 2007, Cleveland, Ohio.

Lowry, Ramsey, Thomas, Shrupp, Sajwaj, Kepner, Boykin, O’Brien, Bradford, Thompson, and Prior-Magee. 2007. Mapping moderate-scale land cover over very large geographic areas within a collaborative framework: A case study of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP). Journal of Remote Sensing of Environment: 108, pp. 59-73 (Elsevier).

Miller, Scott N., Darius J. Semmens, David C. Goodrich, Mariano Hernandez, Ryan C. Miller, William G. Kepner, D. Phillip Guertin. 2007. The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool. Environmental Modeling & Software: 22, pp. 365-377 (Elsevier).

Levick, L., D. Goodrich, M. Hernandez, D. Semmens, J. Stromberg, R. Leidy, M. Apodaca, P. Guertin, M. Tluczek, and W. Kepner. 2007. Hydrology and Ecology of Intermittent Stream and Dry Wash Ecosystems. (EPA/600/R-07/142, ARS/218464), 21 pp. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP).

Levick, L., D.J. Semmens, D. C. Goodrich, W.G. Kepner, J. Brush, R. Leidy, and E. Goodmann. 2006. Simulated Changes in Runoff and Sediment in Developing Areas near Benson, Arizona. (EPA/600/R-06/158), 21 pp.

Kepner, W.G., D.J. Semmens, S.D. Bassett, D.A. Mouat, and D.C. Goodrich. 2006. Scenario Analysis for the San Pedro River, Analyzing Hydrological Consequences of a Future Environment (PDF). [1 pg, 458 KB] Presented at the EPA Science Forum: Your Health, Your Environment, Your Future, Washington, D.C., May 16-18, 2006.

Semmens, D.J., W.G. Kepner, D.C. Goodrich, D.P Guertin, M. Hernandez, and S.N. Miller. 2006. From research to management: a suite of GIS-based watershed modeling, assessment and planning tools (PDF).  [6 pg, 78 KB] In: Voinov, A., Jakeman, A., Rizzoli, A. (eds). Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: "Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software." International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Burlington, USA, July 2006. http://www.iemss.org/iemss2006/sessions/all.html

Semmens, D.J., M. Hernandez, D.C. Goodrich, W.G. Kepner. 2006. A Retrospective Analysis of Model Uncertainty for Forecasting Hydrologic Change. (PDF).  [6 pg, 270 KB]  In: Voinov, A., Jakeman, A., Rizzoli, A. (eds). Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: "Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software." International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Burlington, USA, July 2006. http://www.iemss.org/iemss2006/sessions/all.html

Kepner, W.G., T.D. Sajwaj, D.F. Bradford, and E.J. Evanson. 2005. Nevada Geospatial Data Browser. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Las Vegas, NV (EPA/600/C-05/005). http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/nv_geospatial/nv_geospatial_data_browser.htm

Kepner, W.G., J. L. Rubio, D. A. Mouat, and F. Pedrazzini (Eds.) 2005. Desertification in the Mediterranean Region. A Security Issue. (PDF).  [1 pg, 38 KB].NATO Security through Science Series, Volume 3, 605p., Springer Publishers, The Netherlands. ISBN HB 1-4020-3758-9/ISBN PB 1-4020-3759-7. (http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/desert/images/flyerkepner.pdf)

Hernandez, M., D.J. Semmens, S.N. Miller, D.C. Goodrich, and W.G. Kepner. 2005.  Development and Application of the Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool (PDF)[32 pg, 2.5 MB] Chapt. 9, pp. 127-158. In: C.W. Richardson, A. Baez-Gonzalez, and M. Tiscareño-Lopez (ed.). Modeling and Remote Sensing Applied to Agriculture (U.S. and Mexico). USDA-INIFAP.

Kepner, W. G., D. J. Semmens, S. D. Bassett, D. A. Mouat, and D. C. Goodrich, 2004. Scenario Analysis for the San Pedro River, Analyzing Hydrological Consequences of a Future Environment (PDF) [13 pp, 2.6MB]. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 94, pp. 115-127.

Skirvin, Susan M., William G. Kepner, Stuart E. Marsh, Samuel E. Drake, John K. Maingi, Curtis M. Edmonds, Christopher J. Watts, and David R. Williams, 2004. Assessing the Accuracy of Satellite-Derived Land Cover Classification Using Historical Aerial Photography, Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles, and Airborne Video Data (PDF) [18 pp, 545KB]. Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment, 2004, 9:115-131.

Kepner, W. G., D. J. Semmens, D. T. Heggem, E. J. Evanson, C. M. Edmonds, and S. N. Scott, 2003. The San Pedro River Geo-data Browser and Assessment Tools. EPA/600/C-03/008.

Hernandez, M., W. G. Kepner, D. J. Semmens, D. W. Ebert, D. C. Goodrich, and S. N. Miller. 2003. Integrating a Landscape/Hydrologic Analysis for Watershed Assessment (PDF) [6 pp, 193KB] In Renard, K G., S.A. McElroy, W.J. Gburek, E.H. Canfield, and R.L. Scott, Eds. First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, October 27-30, 2003. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (pp. 461-466). http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/agwa/pdf/pubs/watershed-assessment.pdf

Kepner, W. G., C. M. Edmonds, and C. J. Watts. 2002. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Decision Analysis in Public Resource Administration: A Case Study of 25 Years of Landscape Change in a Southwestern Watershed (PDF) [31 pp, 4.3MB] http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/pdf/sw-watershed.pdf EPA/600/R-02/039.

Maingi, J. K., S. E. Marsh, W. G. Kepner, and C. M. Edmonds. 2002. An Accuracy Assessment of 1992 Landsat-MSS Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico) (PDF) [28 pp, 3.7MB]. (EPA/600/R-02/040) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/pdf/epa600r02040.pdf.

Miller, S. N., D. J. Semmens, R. C. Miller, M. Hernandez, D. C. Goodrich, W. P. Miller, W. G. Kepner, and D. W. Ebert. 2002. GIS-based Hydrologic Modeling: The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool in Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference (July 28-August 1, 2002). (PDF) [12 pp, 1.3MB]. U.S. Geological Survey.

Miller S.N., D.J. Semmens, R.C. Miller, M. Hernandez, P. Miller, D.C. Goodrich, W.G. Kepner, D.W. Ebert. 2002. Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) - A GIS-based Hydrologic Modeling Tool: Documentation and User Manual. Quality Assurance and Control Report (PDF) [98 pp, 1.7 MB] (EPA/600/R-02/046) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 69pp. and 40pp., respectively http://www.epa.gov/esd/land-sci/agwa/pdf/agwa_manual_1-5.pdf

Miller, S. N., W. G. Kepner, M. H. Mehaffey, M. Hernandez, R. C. Miller, D. C. Goodrich, F. K. Devonald, D. T. Heggem, and P. Miller. 2002. Integrating Landscape Assessment and Hydrologic Modeling for Land Cover Analysis. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 915-929.

Kepner, W.G., C. J. Watts, C.M. Edmonds, J. K. Maingi, S.E. Marsh, and G. Luna, 2000. A Landscape Approach for Detecting and Evaluating Change in a Semi-arid Environment. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 179-195.

Hernandez, M., S.N. Miller, D.C. Goodrich, B. F. Goff, W.G. Kepner, C.M. Edmonds, and K.B. Jones. 2000. Modeling Runoff Response to Land Cover and Rainfall Spatial Variability in Semi-arid Watersheds. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 64, 285-298.

Chehbouni, A., D. C. Goodrich, S. M. Moran, C. J. Watts, W. G. Kepner, et al. 2000. A Preliminary Synthesis of Major Scientific Results during the Semi-Arid Land-Surface-Atmosphere (SALSA) Program. Special Edition of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. Vol. 105. No. 1-3, pp. 311-323.

Goodrich, D. C., A. Chebouni, B. Goff, B. MacNish, T. Maddock, and W. G. Kepner. 2000. Preface Paper to the Semi-Arid-Land-Surface-Atmosphere (SALSA) Program. Special Edition of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. Vol. 105, No. 1-3, pp. 3-20.

Skirvin S. M., S. E. Marsh, and W. G. Kepner. 2000. An Accuracy Assessment of 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico) (PDF) [22 pp, 8.5MB] EPA/600/R-00/097. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.

Goodrich, D. C. and W. G. Kepner. 2000. Landscape Indicator Interface with Hydrologic Models (PDF) [62 pp, 1.2MB] EPA/600/R-00/042. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.

Goodrich, D. C., A. Chehbouni, B. Goff, C. J. Watts, W. G. Kepner, et al. 1998. An overview of the 1997 activities of the semi-arid land-surface-atmosphere (SALSA) program. Proc. Amer. Met. Soc., Special Symposium on Hydrology, Jan. 11-16, Phoenix, AZ, pp 1-7.

Mouat, D. A., J. Lancaster, T. Wade, J. Wickham, C. Fox, W. G. Kepner, and T. Ball. 1997. Desertification Evaluated Using an Integrated Environmental Assessment Model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 48:139-156.

Riitters, K. H., J. D. Wickham, K. B. Jones, W. G. Kepner, and D. J. Chaloud. 1996. A Landscape Atlas of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Tennessee Valley Authority, Norris, TN. 29 pp.

Kepner, W. G., K. B. Jones, D. J. Chaloud, J. D. Wickham, K. H. Riitters, and R. V. O'Neill. 1995. Mid-Atlantic Landscape Indicators Project Plan. EPA/620/R-95/003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C. 38 pp.

Wade, T. G., J. D. Wickham, and W. G. Kepner. 1995. Using GIS and a Graphical User Interface to Model Land Degradation. Geo Info Systems. Pp. 38-42.

Kepner, W. G. 1995. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: A Landscape Approach to Environmental Assessment: Application to Neotropical Migratory Bird Issues. Partners in Flight, 4(2). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Breckenridge, R. P., W. G. Kepner, and D. A. Mouat. 1995. A Procedure for Selecting Indicators for Monitoring Condition of Rangeland Health. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 36:45-60.

Kepner, W. G. et al. 1994. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, Arid Ecosystems 1992 Pilot Report. EPA/620/R-94/015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C. 116 pp.

Kepner, W. G. et al. 1991. Arid Ecosystems Strategic Monitoring Plan. EPA/600/4-91/018. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C. 299 pp.

Radtke, D. B., W. G. Kepner, and R. J. Effertz. 1988. Reconnaissance investigation of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the Lower Colorado River Valley, Arizona, California and Nevada, 1986-87. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4002. Pp. 1-77. Denver, CO.


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