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David F. Bradford, Ph.D.

Research Ecologist
E-Mail: bradford.david@epa.gov
Phone: (702)-798-2681 - Fax (702)-798-2692


Research Interests:

Current Projects:


Boykin, K., D. F. Bradford, and W. G. Kepner. Habitat Distribution Models for 37 Vertebrate Species in The Mojave Desert Ecoregion Of Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/R-08/117, 2008. Published 10/20/2008.

Bradford, D. F ., N. G. Tallent-Halsell, and M. S. Nash. Distribution of Airborne Agreicultural Contaminants At High-Elevation in The Southern Sierra Nevada, California. EPA/600/X-08/014. (TIP #08-126, Internal Report). Published 09/25/2008.

Fellers, G. M., D. F. Bradford, D. Pratt, and L. Wood. Experimental Repatriation of Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs (Rana Muscosa) in The Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. (TIP # 05-085, Extramural Document.) USGS, Corvallis, OR, 2008. Published 6/5/2008.

Fellers, G. M., D. F. Bradford, D. Pratt, and L. Wood. "Demise of Translocated Populations of Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs (Rana Muscosa) IN the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Herpetological Conservation and Biology," (TIP #05-077, Journal Article). Herpetological Conservation and Biology, Texarkana, TX, 2(1):5-21, (2007). Published 5/8/2007

Jaeger, J.R., B.R. Riddle, and D.F. Bradford. Cryptic Neogene vicariance and Quaternary dispersal of the red-spotted toad (Bufo punctatus): insights on the evolution of North American warm desert biotas. Submitted to Molecular Ecology.

Bradford, D.F. Epilogue: Factors implicated in amphibian population declines in the United States. Pp. 000-000 in M.J. Lannoo (ed.), Declining Amphibians: A United States' Response to the Global Problem, University of California Press, Berkeley. In Press.

Bradford, D.F., J.R. Jaeger, and S.A. Shanahan. Distributional Changes and Population Status of Amphibians in the Eastern Mojave Desert. Western North American Naturalist. In press.

Bradford, D.F., R.D. Jennings, and J.R. Jaeger. Rana onca Cope 1875, relict leopard frog. Pp. 000-000 in M.J. Lannoo (ed.), Declining Amphibians: A United States' Response to the Global Problem, University of California Press, Berkeley. In Press.

Brooks, P.D., C.M. O’Reilly, S.A. Diamond, D.H. Campbell, R. Knapp, D. Bradford, P.S. Corn, B. Hossack, and K. Tonnessen. Spatial and temporal variability in the amount and source of dissolved organic carbon: implications for UV exposure in amphibian habitats. Ecosystems. In press.

Diamond, S.A., P.C. Trenham, M.J. Adams, B.R. Hossack, R.A. Knapp, S.L. Stark, D.F. Bradford, P.S. Corn, K Czarnowski, P.D. Brooks, D. Fagre, B. Breen, N.E. Detenbeck, K. Tonnessen. Estimated ultraviolet radiation doses in wetlands in six national parks. Ecosystems, in press.

Bradford, D.F. 2004. Amphibian declines and environmental change in the eastern Mojave Desert. In: Sada, D.W., and S.E. Sharpe (eds.). Conference Proceedings, Spring-fed Wetlands: Important Scientific and Cultural Resources of the Intermountain Region, May 7-9, 2003, Las Vegas, NV. DHS publication no. 41210. Desert Research Institute (http://www.wetlands.dri.edu).

Bradford, D.F., J.R. Jaeger, and R.D. Jennings. 2004. Population status and distribution of a decimated amphibian, the relict leopard frog (Rana onca). Southwestern Naturalist 49: 218-228.

Nash, M.S., D.F. Bradford, S.E. Franson, A.C. Neale, W.G. Whitford, and D.T. Heggem. 2004. Livestock grazing effects on ant communities in the eastern Mojave Desert, USA. Ecological Indicators 4: 199-213.

Bradford, D.F., A.C. Neale, M.S. Nash, D.W. Sada, and J.R. Jaeger. 2003. Habitat patch occupancy by toads (Bufo punctatus) in a naturally fragmented desert landscape. Ecology 84: 1012-1023.

Carey, C., D.F. Bradford, J.L. Brunner, J.P. Collins, E.W. Davidson, J.E. Longcore, M. Ouellet, A.P. Pessier, and D.M. Schock. 2003. Biotic factors in amphibian population declines. Pp. 153-208 in G. Linder, D.W. Sparling, and S.K. Krest (editors) Amphibian decline: an integrated analysis of multiple stressor effects. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

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