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Consolidated Student Services for EPA NHEERL Eco Labs, RFQ-RT-09-00107

NOTE: If you responded under a previous announcement but were not selected for a contract you are not precluded from submitting a response under this Request for Quote.

Current Status: Solicitation posted March 31, 2009. Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. ET, April 30th, 2009. See the Announcement file, below, for full details on how to submit a package for this requirement. Proposals must contain all the required information and documentation to be considered. Include reference number RFQ-RT-09-00107 on your submission.

If you obtained a copy of this solicitation via the Internet, it will be your responsibility to frequently check this site for any amendments.

Questions on this procurement can be e-mailed to Jeffery Clodfelter

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