Next Steps
Archived Information

Thank you for attending the Secretary's Summit on Mathematics held on February 6, 2003 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. We will be holding a follow-up meeting to discuss the issues addressed today and to begin developing action steps. That meeting will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2003, from 9-4 at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC.

The follow-up meeting will explore the three goal areas addressed at the summit:

  • Developing a Research Base
  • Engaging the Public
  • Improving Teacher Knowledge

Action Teams will be formed around each of these three areas.

Our discussions in the morning will cut across all three areas. We will begin with a synopsis of the Summit, the issues discussed there, and the responses sent by participants to the question of the relevant activities of their organizations.

After the morning discussion, we will break into small groups to achieve three purposes:

  1. Discover relevant activities under way or planned for the near term.
  2. Bring these activities into increasingly better coordination and focus.
  3. Recruit individual organizations, etc., to be involved on one of the three goal-based teams

We hope you will attend and join these discussions and a working group.

In order to participate, please do two things:

First, use the attached sheet to indicate your interest in continuing to be involved in the initiative.

Second, please send via e-mail a one-page description of each of the activities your organization sponsors that support the goals of the Mathematics and Science Initiative: (1) increasing public understanding; (2) improving teacher quality; and (3) supporting high-quality research. This description will be shared with those involved with developing the action plans for the Initiative. These descriptions are also being provided here. Please address:

  • Goal area of the activity
  • A brief summary
  • Purpose
  • Accomplishments/Results
  • Plans for the next 12 months

Please send your responses to

Thank you.

The webcast of this event will be available (48 hours following the event) at the Mathematics and Science Initiative website, where papers and accompanying PowerPoint presentations will also be available.

In response to your request that my organization and I consider which of the three working groups we might join, I am volunteering that we (________________________________________) be added to the list for the topic(s) checked below:

  1. Public Engagement ___
  2. Improving Teacher Knowledge ___
  3. Developing A Research Base ___

Here is the appropriate contact information:

Name (Individual):


I will also submit one-page descriptions of our efforts to improve mathematics and science education as it relates to the three topics.

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Last Modified: 09/14/2004