Secretary's Summit on Mathematics
February 6, 2003
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Amphitheatre<

Archived Information


8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast  
9:00 Welcome, Purpose, and Introductions Secretary Rod Paige
9:15 Mathematics in the 21st Century Science Advisor to the President
John H. Marburger, III
9:30 Establishing the Need  
  National Perspective Tom Loveless, Brookings Institution
  International Perspective William Schmidt, Michigan State University
  Congressional Perspective Congressman Vern Ehlers
  Corporate Perspective Craig Barrett, Intel Corporation
10:05 Developing A Research Base  
Overview of Current Research Grover "Russ" Whitehurst
Director, Institute of Education Sciences
10:25 Break  
10:40 Enabling Connections NSF Director Rita Colwell
10:50 Engaging the Public  
  Educator Astronaut NASA Deputy Administrator
Frederick Gregory
11:10 Improving Teacher Knowledge  
  What students should learn Alejandro Ádem, University of Wisconsin
  What teachers should learn Deborah Loewenberg Ball, University of Michigan
11:30 Administration Proposals and Charge to the Community Secretary Rod Paige

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Last Modified: 09/14/2004