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Information Technology Customer Research Study

MarketResponse International has conducted a survey of 382 Minnesota households that have members with and without disabilities. The purpose of this survey was to obtain measures about access to; and adoption, use and the perceived benefits of information technologies; satisfaction with state government websites; and attitudes about information technologies among people with disabilities compared with the general population in the state of Minnesota. This survey is available in several formats:
     Flash (PowerPoint)   PDF   Text Only   Executive Summary (HTML)

The Developmental Disabilities Assistance
and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act)

The history of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act dates back to March 1963. The focus has changed dramatically over these years, from building facilities where people with developmental disabilities were housed and services provided to fundamental systems change that emphasizes personal choice about where people want to live and work, and promotes active participation in community life.

View the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act Section

Marc Gold: "Try Another Way"

Marc Gold began his career as a special education teacher in Los Angeles. It was there that he formulated a values based systematic training approach, “Try Another Way.” This approach was based on a few fundamental beliefs: Everyone can learn but we have to figure out how to teach; students with developmental disabilities have much more potential than anyone realizes; and all people with disabilities should have the opportunity to decide how to live their lives. These video segments demonstrate his philosophy, and the respect and value he placed on the abilities of each of his students.

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Marc Gold

The Changing Face of Technology:
Document Imaging Meets the Challenge

Customer expectations,the demand for greater efficiencies, and cost control are driving businesses to rely upon advanced technologies for solutions; and an increasing number of people with developmental disabilities are filling document imaging positions.

Summit Silver AwardCommunicator AwardThe Changing Face of Technology has received two major recognitions: a 2008 Silver Award in the international Summit Creative Awards competition, which attracted entries from more than 50 countries, and a Silver Award of Distinction in the national Communicator Awards competition. The video, designed to encourage employers to consider hiring people with developmental disabilities for jobs in document imaging, was produced for the Council by The Wallace Group.

The Changing Face of Technology

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Recruitment is underway for Partners in Policymaking Class 27, scheduled to begin September 11-12, 2009. An overview of this leadership training program, weekend session dates, a brochure with further information about the program, and an application can be found at www.mngts.org/partnersinpolicymaking/index.html.

FFY 2009 Training Conferences Cosponsorship Funds Awarded: Nineteen Minnesota organizations were recently awarded cosponsorship funds for training conferences. The conferences provide opportunities for participants to learn about best practices, and develop or strengthen their personal leadership skills.

The Minnesota Assistive Technology Advisory Council and STAR (System of Technology to Achieve Results) Program are soliciting nominations for awards to recognize Minnesotans who excel in the area of assistive technology (AT). The STAR Award for Excellence in Assistive Technology recognizes outstanding individual and organizational efforts in the use, promotion and advocacy, support, research and development, and other aspects of AT in Minnesota. The Nomination Narrative, Criteria, and Nomination Form are available on the STAR web site at www.star.program.state.mn.us. This information is also available in alternative format upon request. If you have questions or would like the nomination materials mailed to you, please call 651-201-2640. The awards ceremony will be held in the Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. A reception will follow in the Great Hall of the Capitol.

The Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) has issued it 2008 Annual Report.

At the December 3, 2008 meeting of the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, United States Representative Jim Ramstad shared some of the highlights and challenges of his 18 years of service in Congress to the citizens of Minnesota. His leadership, commitment, and dedication to people with disabilities was unfailing and reflected in public policies that would truly make a positive difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Congressman Ramstad’s presentation is available for review as well as opening remarks by Council Chair, Shamus O’Meara.

Ryan Dolan, State of Minnesota Demographer’s Office, discussed the upcoming 2010 Census, how it will be conducted, specific challenges, and how to become involved with members of the Council’s Public Policy Committee on December 3, 2008. His presentation offers some valuable information about this census and why it is so critically important that everyone is indeed counted in 2010.  Flashpaper Format   PDF

The Council's key business results for FFY 2008 (October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008) are available for review. FlashPaper Format   PDF   Text  

E-Government Usability/Accessibility Compliments/Concerns: Having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota state government website or software? Or have you used a state website or software that works especially well for people with disabilities? We want to hear about your experiences.

"Innovative" businesses honored for going the extra mile to hire people with developmental disabilities: The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities has honored 11 Minnesota businesses for using innovative approaches to employing Minnesotans who are developmentally disabled. The 11 businesses were among 45 Minnesota employers nominated for the recognition.

MarketResponse International conducted a nominations process to identify Minnesota businesses that are using innovative employment practices in hiring people with developmental disabilities and promoting an inclusive work environment. Forty-five nominations were received and 11 businesses were selected. On October 1, 2008, these employers and their employees were recognized. Profiles of the businesses are available in several formats:
       Flash (PowerPoint)   PDF    Text Only    Press Release (PDF)
        Employment Honorees Photo Presentation: Flash (PowerPoint)   PDF

Information Technology Insights Focus Groups: In May 2008, six focus groups were conducted by Bill Harreld, Quality Culture Institute, to learn how youth with and without disabilities are accessing and using technology, and their perspectives on the future of technology based on predictions that Bill Gates made in 2007.  A total of 88 young adults participated in the focus groups.

Accessibility and Usability of E-Government Services: Taking advantage of ever changing advances in new technology, state government is increasing its use of the Web to offer citizens a host of services. These services may include corresponding online with elected officials, providing information about government services, renewing licenses, providing tax information and filing tax returns, and applying for jobs or benefits. Resources are available to help assure the accessibility and usability of E-Government services.

The State of Minnesota, recognizing the ability of many people with developmental disabilities to perform effectively in document imaging positions, has awarded contracts to several firms that regularly employ people with such disabilities for that work. Read full release...

A new page has been added that will feature Council-Sponsored Grant Activities. Using words and photos, this page will include such topics as Self Advocacy, Partners in Policymaking®, Cultural Outreach Programs, Family Support 360, and Training Conferences. Self Advocacy Minnesota (SAM) is the current feature.

FFY 2008 Training Conferences Cosponsorship Funds Awarded: Fifteen Minnesota organizations were recently awarded cosponsorship funds for training conferences. The conferences provide opportunities for participants to learn about best practices, and develop or strengthen their personal leadership skills. The expectation is that these training experiences will result in increased independence, productivity, self determination, integration and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

The Council State Plan FFY 2007-2011 Executive Summary (PDF Format) has been issued. (Text version)

1962-2007 Public Opinion Poll Results: In 1962, the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare contracted with Social Issues Research, Inc. to conduct 900 face to face interviews with a sample of Minnesotans that was in close approximation to the 1960 Census. The purpose of the study was to "determine what salience does the problem of mental retardation have for the people of Minnesota?" The results were intended to be used to design a community education program to alter misconceptions about people with mental retardation. Forty five years later, the staff of the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities discovered a copy of the study while creating an online archive, Parallels in Time, Part 2. The Council then contracted with MarketResponse International to conduct a similar study — 800 phone interviews were made with a sample of Minnesotans that was in close approximation to the 2005 Census. The purpose of the study was to measure attitudinal changes of the general population in Minnesota during the past 45 years. The results of the opinion poll are presented here (Flash format). Also available as PDF and text-only.