Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
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About IODP at Texas A&M University

IODP U.S. Implementing Organization (IODP-USIO)

IODP portal and IODP-MI office

IODP Gulf Coast Repository

Ocean Drilling and Sustainable Earth Science (ODASES)

Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)

Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP)

College of Geosciences



:: JOIDES Resolution movie on YouTube

:: Bohlen Appointed Interim Director of IODP

:: JOIDES Resolution systems report

:: School of Rock 2008

:: View drill sites in Google Earth


IODP is an international scientific organization that conducts research into the evolution of Earth's crust, oceans, climate, and deep biosphere. TAMU operates the scientific drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution on behalf of the IODP U.S. Implementing Organization (IODP-USIO).

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