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Sudan News

$1.6 Million of Relief Supplies Sent To Darfur

Press: (202) 712-4320
Public Information: (202) 712-4810


July 12, 2004

Contact: USAID Press Office

WASHINGTON, DC -- As part of the U.S. Government's continuing humanitarian efforts in Sudan's western province of Darfur, eight airlifts will arrive in El Fasher between July 5 and July 14. These shipments will carry 3,150 rolls of plastic sheeting, which is enough shelter for 198,450 beneficiaries. Additionally, 49,150 blankets, 20,000 water containers, and 10 to 12 water bladders will be included in the airlifts. These relief supplies are worth approximately $1.6 million and are in addition to the $1.1 million in relief supplies that arrived in Nyala and El Fasher between June 19 and June 28.

As of July 11, USAID has delivered a total of 10,200 rolls of plastic sheeting, 177,500 blankets, 2 water bladders, and 600 water containers via 25 airlifts to Darfur.

USAID has been proactive in resolving the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, which is currently the worst in the world. The Jingaweit Arab militias are backed by the Government of Sudan and have attacked innocent civilians, burned and pillaged villages, and raped and beaten thousands of women. With more than 1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Darfur and approximately 160,000 refugees in neighboring Chad, USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios, U.S. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan toured IDP camps in Darfur last week to pressure the Government of Sudan to rein in the Jingaweit militias and allow the flow of humanitarian aid. Administrator Natsios, Secretary Powell, and Secretary General Annan have stated that the situation in Darfur is ethnic cleansing. They have all encouraged the UN Security Council to pass a resolution that will place additional pressure on the Government of Sudan to follow through on its assurances to facilitate humanitarian access to Darfur and to stop the violence against innocent civilians.

The rainy season has made the situation even more difficult, impeding the distribution of food and supplies and spreading diseases such as measles, cholera and polio. USAID estimates that 1 million people may die by the end of the year if the Government of Sudan does not cooperate with the international community to resolve the current humanitarian crisis.

To date, the U.S. Government has provided a total of $109.4 million of humanitarian assistance to Darfur, including 86,700 metric tons of emergency food assistance worth $82.9 million, and will continue to be engaged in the region. For more information on USAID's humanitarian efforts in Sudan, please visit our website:

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

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Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:25:17 -0500