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Mothers & More is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of mothers through support, education and advocacy.

We address mothers’ needs as individuals and members of society, and promote the value of all the work mothers do.

Read our full mission & beliefs


Check out these articles from Forum, our member publication on mothers’ issues.

American Time Use Survey In Danger!
Find out why you want to save the ATUS and what you can do to ensure it survives proposed budget cuts.

Another Tax Season
Find out how taxes impact mothers and their work/life decisions.

Part-Time Work:
What's So Lucky About It?

Read the truth about part-time work and take our survey to share your thoughts and experiences with it.

Motherhood - The Real Social Security Crisis
As the debate rages on over the financial state of Social Security, the real crisis goes unnoticed. Find out what you can do to make your voice heard.



Extra! Extra!  Read All About It!
Mothers: Share Your Story is the theme of our 2009 Mother’s Day Campaign.  Mothers & More will be highlighting books on motherhood at their Open Houses to be held at bookstores, libraries, garage sales and community fairs across the country.  To find an event near you check out our Mothers: Share Your Story Calendar.  You may also join us on our blog and share your favorite books by answering the question, “If you could give another mother one book, what would it be and why?”

Save the American Time Use Survey!
Cutting the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) from the national budget threatens to render the important caregiving work all mothers do completely invisible.  Learn more about the ATUS and sign our letter to show your support!

Are you looking for a place to connect with other mothers in your community and across the U.S. where you can relax, be real and feel confident that you won’t be pressured or judged?

Would you like to make lasting friendships, have fun and exercise your mind, whether you’re an at-home mom, a mom in the fulltime paid workforce, or somewhere in between?

Do you want to be part of an extended community of individuals and organizations talking about and working on the issues that impact mothers’ lives?

Become a member of Mothers & More! Join the thousands of other mothers who are making connections and making a difference in their own lives and the lives of other mothers.

Find out more about our member benefits and services, and about a local chapter near you (or how you can start your own, if there is no chapter in your area) and join today!


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Mothers & More
Headquarters • P.O. Box 31 • Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
(630) 941-3553 [Fax (630) 941-3551] info@mothersandmore.org

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