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Cyprus Cleans Up, One Bag at a Time

Plastic bags have become an ever-present blight on the Cypriot landscape—stuck on fences, strewn across beaches, blowing across fields, clogging storm drains and hurting wildlife. In an attempt to tackle this problem, USAID’s Supporting Activities that Value the Environment (SAVE) project is teaming up with local business and community leaders to raise public awareness about the health and environmental dangers posed by the continued and unnecessary overuse of plastic bags.

The goal of the “Change is in the Bag”campaign is to challenge everyone living on the island to reduce their use of plastic bags. The message will also be reinforced through an outreach campaign to the media, environmental organizations and schools, emphasizing that everyone can contribute to keeping Cyprus beautiful by making a conscious effort to use bags only when necessary and to use reusable bags whenever possible.

The SAVE project focuses on improving the competitiveness, financial status, and quality of basic services and infrastructure to more easily meet international and EU standards, and Turkish Cypriot capacity to manage natural and cultural resources for economic growth.



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