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 Surface Acoustic Wave Detectors

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
Microsensor Systems Inc. HAZMATCAD™ Plus Verification Report (PDF) (56 pp, 423 kb) November 2004
Verification Appendix (PDF) (30 pp, 283 KB)
Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 63 KB)
Verification of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)
and Combined SAW/Electrochemical
Detectors for Detection of Chemicals and
Chemical Agents in Buildings (PDF)
(72 pp, 649 KB) November 2004

Contact: Eric Koglin

Information contained in listed documents does not constitute nor should be construed as an EPA endorsement of any particular product, service, or technology.


See Also
Technology Testing and Evaluation Program

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