Sustainable Design -->

NOAA Satellite Operations Center (Suitland, MD)

Exterior design of NOAA Satellite Operations Center

The NOAA Satellite Operations Center will house current and future environmental satellite operations of national and global significance. GSA is building a new facility that not only enhances NOAA's mission but also expresses the function of the building. The desire to create a low-impact building in keeping with the scale of surrounding structures led to a green roof design that merges with the landscape.

Thumbnail of image describing Only 20% of the site becomes impervious, elminating the need for a water detention pond or increased stormwater piping, while saving thousands of dollars.
Click to enlarge

Building Name National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Location Suitland Federal Center, Suitland, Maryland
Architect Morphosis/Einhorn Yaffee Prescott
Contractor P.J. Dick, Inc.
Size 208,271 gsf
Budgeted Cost $81 million
Completion September 2005
Green Roof Area 146,000 sf










Last Reviewed 4/6/2009