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Fact Sheet - November 2007

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USAID/OTI Lebanon Success Stories Index

Participants from Nahnoo's peace-building workshops perform "We're in Babel and we're all in our own bubbles," a play they conceived after receiving theatrical training.


Theater and Dialogue Inspire Youth Activism - March 2009
A new and innovative Lebanese NGO, with support from OTI, is helping youths from different educational and sectarian backgrounds to develop creativity, communication, and critical-thinking skills. The youths are exploring theater and engaging in journalism and dialogues to gain valuable skills and built trust within the group and bonds between each other.

Young men learn about engines during a WCL auto mechanics training session.


Vocational Training Helps Youths Find Jobs in Akkar - March 2009
In the economically depressed Akkar region of northern Lebanon, the Women's Charity League—with a grant from OTI—is offering the next generation of Alawite, Christian, and Sunni children a chance to learn a practical profession.

At a ceremony recognizing their community-building efforts, members of three recently established youth clubs sing a patriotic song promoting peace.


New Youth Clubs Connect Communities in the South - February 2009
Three new youth clubs in southern Lebanon are embarking on new and constructive efforts many thought were not possible. At the instigation of Blue Mission, a peace-education organization, and with assistance from OTI, the youths made improvements in their communities, including a public garden, a clock tower, and covered bus stops, and coordinated health-awareness events and a sports competition.

IndyYouth held People Against Plastic events to raise environmental awareness on the Global Day of Action Against Waste.


Youth Campaigns Model Active Citizenship - January 2009
Beirut youths are mobilizing others for positive action through unconventional advocacy campaigns, street performances, and by working in schools, thanks to the League of Independent Activists (IndyAct), a youth-led organization partnered with OTI. NGOs in Jordan and Egypt are now interested in replicating this success.

Edd raps about finding solutions to the troubles facing the region at a street performance he organized in Beirut with other hip-hoppers he met at an OTI-supported peace-building project.


Hip-Hoppers Become Advocates for Peace - January 2009
Using art as an advocacy technique, Lebanese youths from the Permanent Peace Movement, supported by OTI, capitalized on the country's growing hip-hop scene to spread messages of peace and nonviolence to their peers who are typically uninterested in conventional peace-building dialogues.

Youth and children play in the newly restored community park in Hermel.


Youth Remake Park as Multiuse Civic Space - December 2008
Youth in Hermel, Lebanon, have taken the initiative-supported by Development Culture and Giving and OTI-to take back, renovate, and manage their community's only shared, nonpolitical space, or Minshiyeh, for recreation and cultural activities.

This Web-based map of Beirut polling stations, created by OTI grantee LPHU, includes links to accessibility details and a photo of each location.


Accessibility Study Contributes to Electoral Reform - November 2008
Using the accessibility issue as a doorway to electoral reform dialogue, the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU) is helping to ensure maximum community participation in upcoming elections. With support from OTI and in partnership with the Youth Association for the Blind, LPHU surveyed and mapped the accessibility of designated polling stations in Beirut.

Lebanese and Palestinian children play in a new playground developed by an OTI partner in the southern Lebanon community of Burghliyeh.


Mixed Community Celebrates New Park - November 2008
The mixed Lebanese-Palestinian community of Burghliyeh in southern Lebanon has been celebrating its new community park, the culmination of several small-scale infrastructure improvements. Part of a larger OTI-funded project, the park provides a common meeting point for Lebanese and Palestinians, as well as a social outlet for youth in an area where youth-friendly spaces are limited.

Guests at the launch of the Tyre Cultural Forum’s Web site and film club had an opportunity to discuss social issues after a screening of "Zozo."


New Web Site Brings Diverse Community Together - November 2008
A diverse group of youths from the city of Tyre in southern Lebanon have developed an online platform, supported by the Tyre Cultural Foundation and OTI, to offer the public a nonaligned space for dialogue while also publicizing nonpartisan activities and events.

Members of the Youth Network in Nabatyeh discuss the meaning of independence with a passing truck driver.


Youth Develop Independent Voice in Nabatyeh - November 2008
Members of the nonpartisan Youth Network in Nabatyeh, a stronghold of extremist political parties, literally stopped traffic on Independence Day, grabbing the city's attention with street-side activities that included a "wall magazine" on which passersby were asked to write their personal definitions of true independence.

Activists from Women in Technology, the National Commission of Lebanese Women, and other Lebanese NGOs were introduced to blogs and other Web technologies at RootSpace.


Activists Use New Media for Advocacy and Education - October 2008
Social advocates across Lebanon have begun applying powerful "new media" methodologies to advance a spectrum of causes, thanks to resources being provided by the Social Media Exchange project at RootSpace, a local NGO, and support from OTI.

Young women from the Beddawi area learn how to cook traditional Lebanese and Palestinian dishes during an OTI-supported class.


Palestinian, Lebanese Youth Forge New Friendships - October 2008
A nascent, youth-led organization has helped break down barriers between Lebanese and Palestinian youth near the Beddawi refugee camp in northern Lebanon. With OTI support, the group is challenging stereotypes fueled by a history of tensions.

A health-awareness festival organized by youth from mixed Lebanese-Palestinian neighborhoods near the Ein El Helweh refugee camp brought more than 300 people together for games and entertainment.


Youth Join Forces to Improve Their Communities - October 2008
Youth in Al Villat, a mixed Lebanese-Palestinian community deeply affected by recurring violence in the nearby refugee camp, applied newly learned leadership skills by organizing a one-month children's program to promote nonviolence through recreational, educational, and artistic activities.

Student council elections at three Lebanese high schools exposed students to the fundamentals of democracy.


High School Students Experience Democratic Process - September 2008
Led by local nongovernmental organization 05Amam, with support from OTI, students from three Lebanese high schools experienced the democratic process firsthand, electing an interscholastic student council to come up with ideas for a community development project.

Douma residents enjoy the first theater production performed and produced by their newly formed village theater company.


Community Theater Harnesses Youth Talents - August 2008
A bit of Broadway came to Lebanon recently, as youths staged their own contemporary theater productions through a project led, with OTI support, by Lebanese NGO Zico House and designed to encourage youth participation in creative activities instead of divisive politics.

The Kfar Zabad Site Support Group leads a hiking activity through the wetland that is uniting neighboring villages.


Conservation Project Unites Neighboring Villages - August 2008
Two villages are overcoming religious and political differences through a project designed to mitigate conflict by preserving an environmentally significant wetland in the Beqaa Valley. The Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon is heading the project that encourages residents from both villages to work together.

Shamam Al Nasser (left) and Abdallah Ali Obeid exchange olive-farming experiences and techniques after an SRF workshop in southern Lebanon.


Southern Lebanese Farmers Find Common Ground - June 2008
Lebanese farmers shared stories of their agricultural successes and challenges in a series of workshops led by local NGO Scientific Research Foundation and designed to improve cross-confessional cooperation in the segregated region.

Tanya Abi Nassif and Khalid Jazarli participate in a small group activity at a Beirut workshop that connected students from different communities.


Youth Network Spreads Message of Tolerance - June 2008
USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives is supporting a network of 180 youths from all regions of Lebanon to engage in civic activities through community-based initiatives.

Nehna Kelna’s convoy tours Beirut’s seaside communities during the April 13 public appeal urging Lebanese civil society to "take a stand" for peace.


Music and Song Urge Lebanese To Take a Stand - April 2008
Music was the language of choice for Nehna Kelna's public appeal for peace and unity on the 33rd anniversary of the start of Lebanon's civil war. With OTI support, the activist youth group, whose name means All of Us in Arabic, recorded and broadcast a song, "Take a Stand," from a convoy of cars during a 14-hour musical advocacy tour of Beirut and Saida.

A former combatant publicly apologizes for his role in forcing people to seek shelter in their bathrooms during Lebanon’s civil war. It is estimated that the war claimed more than 100,000 lives.


Enough of Hiding in Bathrooms: 600 Toilets Make a Dramatic Point - April 2008
"Haven't 15 years of hiding in the toilets been enough?" This was the question posed by Lebanese artist Nada Sehnaoui at a two-week exhibit of 600 toilets. The exhibit, supported by OTI, served as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by political stalemate and polarized rhetoric.

Young women in Hey Al-Muassiseh participate in a creative group activity illustrating their vision for an improved community.


Improving Conditions in Underserved Communities - April 2008
American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), with OTI support, is helping to improve the quality of life in areas housing a mix of Palestinian refugees and low-income Lebanese citizens. ANERA is working with local partners in Tyre, where successive waves of Palestinian refugees have created pressures on cash-strapped municipalities and tense relationships with neighbors.

Hayat Dalal, a young activist with No Sectarianism, discusses the group's vision with a Lebanese man during a book exhibition.


NGOs Make Inroads Despite Political Crisis - March 2008
Despite a volatile situation and an uncertain future, Lebanese NGOs continue to act as service providers, voices of change, and consensus builders. Since September 2007, OTI has built ties with diverse partners through small grants and technical assistance to help diffuse the tensions exacerbated by polarized political rhetoric.

Lebanese volunteers from different regions and backgrounds work together to clean up an oil spill on one of Beirut's public beaches.


Youth Advocacy on Environment Demonstrates Shared Vision - March 2008
Youths with differing political backgrounds from across Lebanon have joined forces to publicize air pollution studies, encourage government officials to adopt stricter measures to control air pollution, and demonstrate that Lebanese people can work together to address critical issues affecting the country.

A meeting of the consensus team in Tebnin is attended by community leaders and a field officer from DPNA, CRS's local implementation partner in southern Lebanon.


Teams Seek Consensus on Development Priorities - March 2008
With OTI support, Catholic Relief Services is working in Lebanese villages to build consensus among different community and religious groups to identify development priorities and draw up strategic plans for each locale.

For further information, please contact:
In Washington, D.C.: Jennifer Boggs Serfass, Program Manager, 202-712-1004,


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