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Iraq Success Stories

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Iraqi Parliament Poised to Coordinate Donor Initiatives - April 2009
Since its inception, the Iraqi parliament has been eagerly assisted by numerous international donors, but an imperfect understanding about donor programs has so far only resulted in ad hoc initiatives. Under its Legislative Strengthening Program (LSP), USAID is supporting the Council of Representatives (COR) to better manage donor coordination.

Improving Government Accountability - April 2009
Establishing accountability and transparency in government is vital to the developing democracy of Iraq. Citizens of the new Iraq are beginning to demand higher standards from those who represent them in the government.

Iraqis Gain Improved Access to Courts - November 2008
Led by prominent Iraqi lawyers, the Kirkuk Jurists Union (KJU) has improved access to courts and provided legal protection to Kirkuk's disadvantaged residents, enabling them to assert their individual rights.

Iraqi Agriculture Fair Brings Hope - November 2008
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Inma Agribusiness Project opened doors to 200 business and agriculture professionals from around the globe, for the first time, at the Erbil Agro Food Expo in November 2008. The exposition demonstrated the Iraqi's commitment to attract foreign investment to the country, advancing U.S. government's efforts to bring economic opportunities and stability to the region.

Iraqi Children Go Back to School - October 2008
Iraqi children in Anbar Province returned to school this month carrying brand new backpacks filled with supplies provided by the USAID-supported "Operation Backpack."

Community Leaders and Entrepreneurs Gain Business Skills at Baghdad Center - July 2007
On July 11, 2007, the first graduates of a business-skills pro-gram developed in partnership between a local district council and the Baghdad Small Business Development Center (SBDC) received certificates marking their completion of “How to Start Up or Improve a Business.” Supported through Izdihar, a USAID-funded program promoting private sector development, the five-day course at the Baghdad SBDC teaches modern business principles and strategies.

USAID Helps Strengthen Local Governance in Babil - April 2007
Working in coordination with the Babil Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), the USAID Local Governance Program recently sponsored two events in Al-Hillah demonstrating the province's commitment to encouraging civic involvement and to bolstering local governance.

Literacy Campaign Empowers Iraqi Women, Engages Local Communities - April 2007
USAID's women's literacy campaign is part of its Community Action Program (CAP). Implemented by USAID partners, the campaign targets women in Maysan, Qadissiyah, and Wassit, and a roll-out in Basrah is expected soon. The response from the community has been encouraging, with thousands of Iraqi women taking advantage of the two-part program.

Tatweer Scholarship Program for Studies in Public Management - March 2007
To help strengthen Iraq's civil service corps, Tatweer, the USAID-funded program for national capacity development, will award up to 75 scholarships for Masters or certificate-level studies in public management. Announced in November 2006, the Tatweer scholarship program awarded six scholarships in its first round, securing placements for scholarship recipients at American University in Cairo's School of Business.

USAID Trains Loan Officers for Iraqi Microfinance Institutions - March 2007
As a future loan officer for an indigenous microfinance institution based in Baghdad, Manar, a 27-year-old Iraqi woman, has an ambition: to assist in the economic development of her country.

Iraqi Ministries Work Together to Coordinate Information Security and Management - March 2007
As part of the USAID-funded Economic Governance II Project to assist in economic reconstruction and policy reform in Iraq, USAID is working with the Government of Iraq (GOI) to improve information security for sensitive public and private information.

USAID and the Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees Sign $5m Grant Agreement - March 2007
In February 2007, USAID and the Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees (ICBG) signed a grant agreement under which USAID will provide $5 million (USD) to the ICBG to supplement its loan-guarantee fund.

Success Story: CBI Pushes Through Reforms to Reserve Requirements - January 2007
USAID economic advisors work with the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) to develop monetary policy in line with international best practices. After 18 months of effort, USAID Economic Governance II advisors working with CBI staff have finally won support from the Iraqi Ministry of Justice to enact changes in the CBI reserve requirement regulation that will help maintain price stability in Iraq

Success Story: Istanbul Workshop Brings Consensus on Draft Secured Transactions Law - January 2007
USAID economic advisors provide GOI with technical assistance for commercial legal framework. As part of efforts to facilitate economic reconstruction and policy reform in Iraq, the USAID-funded Economic Governance II project is working with the Government of Iraq (GOI) to implement a sound and transparent commercial legal framework that fosters the rule of law and promotes a burgeoning private sector.

Fall 2006


Cover of the October 2006 Iraq Success Stories publication - Created: 10/24/06 - Modified: 12/04/06 - click to download
Click here to Download the Success Stories Publication

(PDF - 1.1mb)

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs launches USAID-funded Social Safety Net Pilot Center to assist poor families in Iraq
As part of the USAID-Funded Economic Governance II Project to help in the economic reconstruction and policy reform in Iraq, technical assistance is being provided to assist capacity building and institutional strengthening in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA). With USAID’s support, the Government of Iraq (GoI) is developing pension policy, strategy and legislative reforms. The GoI is also implementing a Social Safety Net program to reduce poverty and mitigate the impact of fuel and food subsidy removal on poor and vulnerable families throughout Iraq.

Preserving knowledge, enhancing services
Rebuilding a city as large as Basrah is a daunting undertaking requiring an accurate and up to date foundation of data and maps as a starting point. In Basrah, and throughout Iraq, that foundation has been neglected for decades, but no longer. Basrah municipal departments and the local citizens who depend on them for public services will soon benefit from a digital mapping project that is converting thousands of cloth and paper maps, many in poor condition, into a single electronic map of the entire city. The Basrah Provincial Council requested the ambitious project, which builds on a map scanning effort launched as part of the Local Governance Project (LGP) in 2004 funded by USAID.

Technical assistance leads to a stronger banking supervision department
The role of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) is to maintain price stability through the execution of monetary policy as intermediated through the financial system. As banks are the primary financial intermediaries, in support of its price stability goal, the CBI’s Bank Supervision Department (BSD) has the responsibility of ensuring the stability of the financial system through the regulation and supervision of commercial banks. As part of the USAID-funded Economic Governance II Project to help in the economic reconstruction and policy reform in Iraq, technical assistance is being provided to strengthen the BSD’s regulatory role and responsibilities.

USAID launches Information and Communications Technology (ICT) alliance at “Rebuild Iraq 2006”
According to participants, one of the most successful events of the 2006 “Rebuild Iraq” Conference and Exhibition, held from May 8-11, was USAID’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Alliance Conference held at the Intercontinental Hotel on May 8. “Rebuild Iraq” saw some 1,000 companies from over 50 countries participate in the third annual event aimed at fostering business relationships and promoting economic development in Iraq.

USAID course teaches safe use of pesticides in rural farming communities
The Agriculture Reconstruction and Development Program for Iraq (ARDI) works throughout Iraq to assist farmers through programs that varies from seed cleaning to awareness campaigns. In this particular course farmers are reminded of the benefits of safe use of pesticides. The course emphasizes the importance of wearing proper attire, not over-using, and keeping pesticides away from family dwellings.

Steering Committee and Director General approve functional reorganization of tax commission
As part of the USAID-Funded Economic Governance II Project to help in the economic reconstruction and policy reform in Iraq, technical assistance is being provided to assist capacity building and institutional strengthening in creating a stronger revenue collecting authority for Iraq through the General Commission for Taxes (GCT). With USAID’s support, officials from the GCT are reforming tax laws and forms, implementing a functional reorganization process and integrating a new IT Application (TAGDEER) to automate the tax collection and reporting process for the Tax Commission.

New microfinance institution provides credit to small businesses in Kirkuk
A few months ago, a terrorist incident in Kirkuk destroyed most of the stock of a local pharmacy, leaving a family-owned business in tatters and depriving the community of much needed medication. The pharmacy and the services it provides to the community will soon be fully restored: in mid-July the family took out a loan - the equivalent of $3,000 in Iraqi dinars – to replenish the stock and rebuild the business. As small as it may look, the amount means a lot. The loan was the first made by Al-Aman, a new, indigenous microfinance organization established through a successful partnership between the USAID-funded Izdihar project, the U.S. military (MNC-I C9) and the Provisional Reconstruction Team (PRT) of Kirkuk.

Cultural center promotes equality
Since opening its doors on March 14, 2005, the Khabat Cultural Center has not only provided much-needed training opportunities to hundreds of community members, but also become an important venue to conduct community business. The ACDI/VOCA coordinator in Khabat explains the importance of the center to a community like this: "…the biggest thing is building trust between us and the community. They come to us daily to learn."

Provincial councils iron out funding mechanism USAID’s LGP II program aims to support the government of Iraq at every level. At this particular event, through a program called the Accelerated Reconstruction and Regional Development Fund, federal funds will be allocated to provinces on a per capita bases to provide much needed money for both reconstruction and rehabilitation as well as new projects throughout Iraq’s 18 provinces.

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