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Before & After

New system improves employees’ skill and the processing of judgments
Modernization Raises Court’s Efficiency
Photo: AOJS II
Photo: AOJS II
Before: Before automation, staff members in the Alexandria Court of First Instance’s typing pool needed to manually type court decisions and documents, or retype entire documents to make corrections.

Photo: AOJS II
Photo: AOJS II
After: The court now uses a computerized case management system, which has significantly increased efficiency and accuracy in issuing final decisions.

Before receiving support from a USAID project, employees in the Alexandria and Mansoura Courts of First Instance’s typing pool would receive from the judges handwritten decisions, which they would type on manual typewriters and have reviewed by the judges prior to signing. This laborious process slowed the adjudication of cases because errors meant documents required a complete retyping on antiquated equipment. A USAID-funded project installed, as part of a comprehensive case management system for docketing and tracking civil matters, a module allowing employees to enter decisions using Microsoft Word and to save them for archiving on a secure network. This improves efficiency and allows courts to produce their decisions electronically for prompt docketing and distribution. Studies conducted by the project and reports from judges and staff suggest that this is a major improvement to court efficiency and public service.

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