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In 2008, USAID provided support to develop guidance to assist WHO Member States in developing a local wheelchair provision system.

Download a copy of Guidance on the Provision of Manual Wheelchairs in Less Resourced Settings
(pdf, 1,937kb)

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Leahy War Victims Fund

Photo from Sierra Leone of local worker building a wheelchair
Source: Rob Horvath

Since its creation in 1989, the Patrick Leahy War Victims Fund has been the foundation of USAID’s efforts to respond to the needs of civilian victims of conflict in war-affected developing countries. The Fund provides a dedicated source of financial and technical assistance for people living with disabilities, particularly those who have sustained mobility-related injuries from unexploded ordnance, antipersonnel landmines, and other direct and indirect causes of disability, including preventable diseases that might result from interrupted immunization campaigns.

Over time, the Fund has expanded its scope. It now not only delivers immediate care to those in need, as it did at its inception, but also designs and implements myraid development programs that accommodate the changing needs of the populations they serve, as well as establishing the foundations for sustainable services in developing countries. It contributes to the design and enforcement of international standards to ensure that practitioners who provide care to survivors are competent, and ensures that treatment and equipment are used effectively to increase the mobility of people with disabilities around the world.

Learn more about Leahy War Victims Fund Programs:
An orthotics technician takes measurements for an orthotics device that a young boy will receive. P&O specialist Mel Stills observes the process. Global


A young boy adjusts his leg braces as his friends look on Regional
Sub-saharan Africa
A participant in the Jizzine cooperative feeds chickens to sell Country
Cambodia Laos
Colombia Lebanon
DROC Vietnam
In the Philippines, a wheelchair user works to produce wheelchairs at the Mindanao facility Wheelchair






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