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The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory

A center of excellence in ecosystem science since 1969.

The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory is an interdisciplinary ecology research and teaching unit at Colorado State University.  Our mission is to improve understanding of the complex interactions between humans, management activities, and ecosystems.

NREL Fall 2008 Seminar Series Presents:


fall seminar series schedule

Multiscale PictureThe NREL Fall 2008 Seminar Series will be hosted by Dr. Tom Stohlgren and his research team, with several guest presenters being featured throughout the semester. General concepts include scaling biological data across spatial and temporal scales, and scaling information delivery from scientists to the public. We’ll discuss a wide variety of native and invasive organisms, modeling techniques, web-based technologies, and research programs designed to get us all to “Think BIG.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 January 2009 09:39