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Oceanography hosts weekly seminars during Fall and Spring Semesters featuring presentations by faculty and special lecturers. The seminars are held on Mondays at 4 p.m. in Eller O&M Room 112 unless otherwise indicated.

Articles About Oceanography

The following articles from Geoconnections create a reflection of what Oceanography is and who is doing it. See Archives of Quarterdeck for historical documents (below).

Geoconnections 2006

  • Unraveling the Mysteries of the Deadzone, pages 4-5
  • Of Cores!, pages 12-13
  • Surviving the Surge by Sounding the Deep, page 15

Geoconnections 2007

  • Deep Water Excavation, page 18 to 21
  • Monitoring New Zealand's Fjords, page 22
  • Toxic Algal Blooms on the Texas Coast, page 23
  • The imaging Flowcytobot, Emerging Technology in Ocean Monitoring, page 24

Ocean World

Ocean World is a Texas A&M website hosted by the Oceanography Department and funded by NASA through the Jason Education Project. Oceanography professor Robert Stewart created and maintains the site which offers customized tracks for students and educators and an extensive section of resources. It provides links to real-time oceanographic data ranging from coral reefs to icebergs, and a popular feature called “Ask Dr. Bob” that allows users to submit questions directly to Stewart, which he answers. Also available through the site are free copies of textbooks authored by Stewart which students can download at no cost.

School of Rock

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Gulf Coast Core Repository hosts an annual teacher workshop called the School of Rock. Organized by the IODP United States Implementing Organization, this 6 to 10-day workshop gives teachers the opportunity to be mentored and taught by scientists who are actively engaged in IODP research. Additionally, technical staff provide guidance and content related to hands-on laboratory activities.

Dolphin Challenge

The College of Geosciences, with support from the Oceanography Department, is a major sponsor of the “Dolphin Challenge,” the local competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB). The Bowl is coordinated by the Texas Sea Grant College Program. The Dolphin Challenge is one of 25 regional competitions held across the United States. Over 100 high school students and coaches come to Texas A&M to participate in this competition each year.

WOCE Southern Ocean Atlas

Oceanography hosts this site which is an online Atlas of hydrographic data products for the region extending to the south of 30°S, nominally the Southern Ocean. The site provides static atlas products that are available for browsing and downloading, and a suite of fully interactive tools which allow users to construct atlas illustrations using their own choices of parameters.

Archive of Quarterdeck

An archive of historical documents from Oceanography's Quarterdeck.

Internet Resources