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 ETVoice - September 2008

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Welcome to ETVoice! Our monthly message contains highlights of the latest developments in ETV, and directs you to where you can find more information on our Web site or through EPA or other contacts. We hope you find this useful and welcome your comments.

Abby Waits
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program

ETV and SBIR Programs Host Technology Workshop at EPA Region 2

The ETV and EPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Programs hosted a regional technology workshop, “Today’s Environmental Technologies–Innovative Solutions for Regional Issues,” on October 7–8, at EPA Region 2 offices in New York City. Over 135 attendees representing EPA Region 2 and various EPA program and regional offices, other Federal agencies, state and local government agencies, academia, private industry and technology developers, and others participated in the event. Alan Steinberg, Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, and Sally Gutierrez, Director of the EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory, opened the workshop. Regional session chairs presented on high-priority regional technology needs, including for shellfish bed monitoring and dissolved oxygen in water monitoring, wastewater treatment to help meet state permitting requirements, and carbon sequestration and waste-to-energy production. ETV center representatives, collaborators and vendors, and SBIR awardee vendors presented on verification activities throughout technical sessions in Air and Water tracks. Break-out sessions focused on in-depth discussions of opportunities for collaboration in specific technology areas, including beach water quality monitoring, drinking water emergency mobile treatment systems and technologies for application in meeting ground and surface water treatment rules, outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters, vapor intrusion monitoring, and others. The workshop’s innovative products exhibition featured 16 companies with ETV-verified or SBIR-supported technologies. A workshop summary report is in development and will be available soon on the ETV Web Site.

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ETV Verified Technologies
The ETV Program has verified the performance of 403 innovative environmental technologies that can be used to monitor, prevent, control, and clean up pollution. See the full list of ETV verified technologies.

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Vendor Solicitations
ETV centers issue solicitations for vendors and collaborators interested in verification. For a list of active ETV vendor solicitations, please visit Vendors Wanted, or contact the appropriate ETV center. Recently issued solicitations include the following.

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ETV Advanced Monitoring Systems Center Solicits Technology Vendors

The AMS Center, operated by Battelle, is soliciting vendors and collaborators interested in verification testing of the following technologies:

Total Fungal Biomass Test Kits
Technologies for rapid, on-site analysis for total fungal biomass

Contact: Mary Schrock, Battelle (614) 424-4976

Oil in Water Monitoring Technologies

Contact: Rachel Sell, Battelle (614) 424-3579

Monitoring Technologies for Contaminants in Air, Water, and Soil

Contact: Ann Louise Sumner, Battelle (614) 424-3973

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ETV Air Pollution Control Technology Center Solicits Technology Vendors

The APCT Center, operated by RTI International, is soliciting vendors to participate in verification tests of the following technologies: diesel engine retrofit emissions control technologies, fabric filter media, and ventilation air cleaning or filtration technologies.

Contact: Jenia Tufts, RTI (919) 316-2698

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ETV Drinking Water Systems Center Solicits Technology Vendors

The DWS Center, operated by NSF International, is soliciting vendors and collaborators interested in verification testing of technologies in the following areas: emerging contaminants, pharmaceutical and personal care products, to assist in compliance with the Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule and the Ground Water Rule, water scarcity, nanotechnology, and water infrastructure.

Contact: Bruce Bartley, NSF (734) 769-5148

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ETV Greenhouse Gas Technology Center Solicits Vendors

The GHG Center, operated by Southern Research Institute, invites vendors to participate in verification tests of the following technologies:

Micro-Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technologies
Small, residential scale (less than 10kW) CHP technologies. These "micro-CHP" technologies are utilized to provide on-site power generation, space heat, hot water heating, and/or cooling at residences and small commercial facilities.

Contact: Tim Hansen, Southern Research (919) 282-1052

Biofuels Production Technologies
The GHG center is soliciting for technology vendors/developers, funding and demonstration partners, and stakeholders in the field of biofuels production. The center is interested in verifying the performance and benefits of a variety of technologies for the production of biofuels, as well as the environmental impacts of biofuels production and use on greenhouse gas emissions.

Contact: Tim Hansen, Southern Research (919) 282-1052

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Upcoming Conferences and Meetings
A calendar of ETV meetings, conferences, and presentations is available on the ETV Web site. Meetings at which ETV is exhibiting and/or participating are:
November 11–15, 2008
The National League of Cities 2008 Congress of Cities and Exposition will be held in Orlando, Florida. The event will offer learning opportunities for city officials and employees, including leadership seminars, peer-to-peer networking, workshops, showcases, and an exposition hall featuring products and services to help meet municipal needs and challenges. The ETV Program will exhibit with the EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory.

Visit: National League of Cities 2008 Congress of Cities and Exposition Exit EPA Disclaimer

November 16–20, 2008
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2008 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC) will be held in Cincinnati, OH. The conference will provide water quality professionals with information on the latest research, regulations, and technological advances for keeping drinking water safe. The event will include workshops; oral, poster, and technical sessions; and technical facility tours, including a tour of the U.S. EPA Testing and Evaluation (T&E) Facility that conducts a broad range of water research projects. The ETV Program will exhibit with the EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory.

Visit: AWWA 2008 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition Exit EPA Disclaimer

December 2–4, 2008
The Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, hosted by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), will be held in Washington, DC. This year's symposium will offer a comprehensive technical program featuring 13 technical sessions and five short courses. Technical sessions will highlight research and innovative technologies that assist the U.S. Department of Defense in meeting increasingly complex environmental and sustainability challenges. Short courses on select technologies in the environmental restoration and munitions management areas will offer unique training opportunities on recent advancements in science and technology. Evelyn Hartzell, EPA, will participate and the ETV Program will exhibit.

Visit: Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop Exit EPA Disclaimer

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