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Press Release



Friday May 9, 2008


Secretary Gutierrez Travels to China and Korea for High-Level Meetings to Discuss Bilateral Trade

MIAMI—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez will travel to Beijing, China and Seoul, South Korea, May 14-16, to discuss bilateral trade and promote U.S. exports.

“American businesses, workers, farmers and ranchers are exporting around the world at record rates,” Gutierrez said. “While U.S. exports of goods to China, now our third-largest export partner, grew by more than 18 percent in 2007, significant trade barriers to the Chinese market remain.”

Gutierrez’s discussions with senior Chinese officials will address intellectual property rights, burdensome regulatory regimes and other key bilateral issues. Gutierrez said improving regulation of these areas is in the interest of both the United States and China.

During his visit to Seoul, Korea, May 15-16, Secretary Gutierrez will highlight the economic and strategic benefits for the United States and Korea of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA). He will reaffirm the strong commitment of President Bush to seek Congressional approval of the agreement this year.

“South Korea and the United States have an historic alliance—one rooted in security, commerce, trade, and mutual prosperity,” Gutierrez said. “The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement is the most economically significant agreement that the United States has negotiated in years, and will allow our two nations to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive global economy.”

Gutierrez will meet with President Lee Myung-bak, who took office on Feb. 25, and held his first summit meeting outside of Korea on April 18-19, at Camp David with President Bush. He will meet with other senior Korean officials to discuss securing approval of the KORUS FTA.

Gutierrez will deliver a major speech on U.S.-Korea relations to an audience of business and political leaders. He will also visit the demilitarized zone (DMZ) on the border of North and South Korea, where he will meet with U.S. soldiers and emphasize the benefits to the U.S-Korea relationship of implementing the KORUS FTA.