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General Enquiries

Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
Joseph Proudman Building
6 Brownlow Street
L3 5DA, UK.

Tel: +44 (0)151 795 4800
Fax: +44 (0)151795 4801

Applications Team

Offshore consultancy & POLPRED
Tel: 0151 795 4903

Tidal predictions & POLTIPS, Tel: 0151 795 4904

Fax: 0151 795 4905
Email: [Contact form]

Coastal Observatory

Coastal Observatory - Liverpool Bay
Director: John Howarth
Tel: 0151 795 4835
Fax: 0151 795 4801
Email: [Contact form]


National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
Head: Kevin Horsburgh
Tel: 0151 795 4835
Fax: 0151 795 4801
Email: [Contact form]


Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level
Director: Lesley Richards
Tel: 0151 795 4860
Fax: 0151 795 4801
Email: [Contact form]


Staff directory:  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 


Ruben Alvarado Bustos

Ruben Alvarado
Title:- Physical Oceanographer (PhD Student)
Tel:- 0151 795 4966
Area:- Mixing over the Continental Slope - [More]

Dr Laurent Amoudry

Dr Laurent Amoudry
Title:- Sediment dynamicist
Tel:- 0151 795 4914
Area:- Modelling of coastal and estuarine sediment processes - [More]


Dr Chris Balfour

Dr Chris Balfour
Title:- Instrumentation Engineer
Tel:- 0151 795 4826
Area:- The provision and development of oceanographic instruments to support the science associated with the Coastal Observatory - [More]

Colin Bell

Colin Bell
Title:- Head of Applications Team
Tel:- 0151 795 4901
Area:- Knowledge Transfer and development of added-value products - [More]

Dr Paul S. Bell

Paul Bell
Title:- Marine Physicist
Tel:- 0151 795 4807
Area:- Analysis of Marine Radar data to determine bathymetric changes in coastal seas - [More]

Dr Kyle F.E. Betteridge

Kyle Betteridge
Title:- Marine Physicist
Tel:- 0151 795 4808
Area:- Acoustic measurements of turbulence and sediment suspension processes - [More]

David Blackman

David Blackman
Title:- Tidal & Sea Level Consultant
Tel:- 0151 795 4822
Area:- High quality sea level measurement - [More]

Rodolfo Bolaños Sánchez

Rodolfo Bolanos Sanchez
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4958
Area:- Observations and modelling of coastal processes - [More]

Dr Jenny Brown

Jenny Brown
Title:- Coastal Numerical Modeller
Tel:- 0151 795 4971
Area:- Numerical modelling of coastal processes in coastal and shelf seas - [More]


Dr Richard Cooke

Dr Richard Cooke
Title:- Research and Development Engineer / Electronics Engineer
Tel:- 0151 795 4825
Area:- Development and maintenance of POL science instrumentation - [More]


Dr Alan M. Davies

Alan Davies
Title:- Numerical Modeller
Tel:- 0151 795 4831
Area:- Turbulence, Internal waves, Numerical methods , irregular grids , Non-Hydrostatic models - [More]


Lisa Eastwood

Lisa Eastwood
Title:- Offshore Data Consultant
Tel:- 0151 795 4902
Area:- Knowledge transfer and added value products - [More]

Dr Shane Elipot

Dr Shane Elipot
Title:- Physical Oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4956
Area:- Observation of ocean dynamics - [More]


Kevin Ferguson

Kevin Ferguson
Title:- Tidal Prediction Consultant
Tel:- 0151 795 4904
Area:- Tidal Predictions and Analysis, Updating Web Pages - [More]

Peter R. Foden

Peter Foden
Title:- Marine Physicist
Tel:- 0151 795 4802
Area:- Design and Development of sea level measurement instruments - [More]


Dr Philip Hall

Philip Hall
Title:- Ocean Modeller
Tel:- 0151 795 4858
Area:- Numerical Modelling of Shelf-Slope-Ocean Processes - [More]

Geoff Hargreaves

Geoff Hargreaves
Title:- Marine Physicist
Tel:- 0151 795 4828
Area:- Instrumentation for measuring long term signals in the deep ocean - [More]

Dr Simon Holgate

Dr Simon Holgate
Title:- Sea Level Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4900
Area:- Observations of sea level changes and spatial variability - [More]

Dr Jason Holt

Jason Holt
Title:- Oceans 2025 theme 9 (leader at POL)
Tel:- 0151 795 4853
Area:- shelf sea modelling (leads the POL modelling group) - [More]

Dr Jo Hopkins

Dr Jo Hopkins
Title:- Physical Oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4859
Area:- Shelf sea physics - [More]

Dr Kevin Horsburgh

Kevin Horsburgh
Title:- Head of the National Tidal and Sea Level Facility
Tel:- 0151 795 4835
Area:- Sea level modelling and coastal flood forecasting - [More]

John Howarth

John Howarth
Title:- Leader of Coastal Observatory
Tel:- 0151 795 4834
Area:- Predicting the oceanography of continental shelf seas - [More]

Prof Chris W. Hughes

Chris Hughes
Title:- Leader Theme 3 - Sea levels, bottom pressure, and space geodesy.
Tel:- 0151 795 4854
Area:- Geodetic Oceanography - [More]

Prof. John M. Huthnance

John Huthnance
Title:- Deputy Director
Tel:- 0151 795 4852
Area:- Marine dynamics over continental shelf and slope - [More]


Dr Svetlana Jevrejeva

Svetlana Jevrejeva
Title:- Physical Oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4899
Area:- Sea level statistical techniques for the analysis of climatological time series - [More]

Dr J. Eric Jones

Eric Jones
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4813
Area:- Numerical modelling of coastal and shelf seas - [More]

Phil Knight

Phil Knight
Title:- Marine Physicist
Tel:- 0151 795 4811
Area:- Measurements of currents, tidal levels, temperature, salinity - [More]


Andrew Lane

Andy Lane
Title:- Physical Oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4812
Area:- Numerical modelling of estuaries and coastal seas - [More]


Dr. Miguel Angel Morales Maqueda

Miguel Maqueda
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4851
Area:- Large-scale ocean, sea-ice and iceberg dynamics - [More]

Dr. Benjamin D. Moate

Dr Benjamin Moate
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4810
Area:- Optical and acoustic measurements of sediment transport processes - [More]

Jill Moore

Jill Moore
Title:- Offshore Data Consultant
Tel:- 0151 795 4903
Area:- Commercial exploitation of POL science - [More]


Dr Matthew Palmer

Matthew Palmer
Title:- Physical Oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4967
Area:- Physics of shelf and coastal seas - [More]

Rose Player

Rose Player
Title:- HF Radar Data Analyst
Tel:- 0151 795 4816
Area:- Sea surface currents and waves - [More]

Dr Jeff Polton

Jeff Polton
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4832
Area:- Numerical simulations of ocean processes - [More]

Dr Clare F. Postlethwaite

Clare Postlethwaite
Title:- Ice Modeller
Tel:- 0151 795 4819
Area:- Observing and modelling sea ice processes - [More]


Dr Jonathan Sharples

Jonathan Sharples
Title:- Head of Shelf Sea Processes
Tel:- 0151 795 4863
Area:- Physics of coastal and shelf seas; physics-biology interactions - [More]

David E. Smith

David Smith
Title:- Manager Tide Gauge Inspectorate
Tel:- 0151 795 4943
Area:- Sea level measuring systems - [More]

Dr Mike Smithson

Mike Smithson
Title:- Head of Oceans Engineering & Technology Group
Tel:- 0151 795 4829
Area:- Provision of technical services and engineering development in support of POL's science - [More]

Dr Alejandro J. Souza

Alex Souza
Title:- Leader of coastal and sediment processes.
Tel:- 0151 795 4820
Area:- Turbulence, sediment and coastal dynamics - [More]


Dr Mark Tamisiea

Dr Mark Tamisiea
Title:- Reseach Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4821
Area:- Sea level variations and crustal motion due to changing continental loads - [More]

Prof Peter D. Thorne

Peter Thorne
Title:- Research scientist.
Tel:- 0151 795 4862
Area:- Acoustic measurements of small scale nearbed sediment transport processes - [More]


Dr Sarah L. Wakelin

Sarah Wakelin
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4809
Area:- Numerical modelling of shelf seas - [More]

Jane A. Williams

Jane Williams
Title:- Storm Surge Modeller
Tel:- 0151 795 4815
Area:- Storm surge modelling - [More]

Dr Joanne Williams

Dr Joanne Williams
Title:- Global Ocean Modeller
Tel:- 0151 795 4856
Area:- Sea level fingerprinting and ocean dynamics - [More]

Dr Simon D.P. Williams

Simon Williams
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4814
Area:- Statistical techniques for the analysis of Geophysical data - [More]

Prof Andrew J. Willmott

Prof Andrew Willmott
Title:- Director
Tel:- 0151 795 4848
Area:- Dynamics of oceanic Rossby waves; modelling wind and buoyancy driven ocean circulation; sea ice processes including polynya modelling - [More]

Dr Chris Wilson

Dr Chris Wilson
Title:- Sea-level modeller/physical oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4806
Area:- Numerical modelling and observation of mesoscale processes and storm surges - [More]

Dr Judith Wolf

Judith Wolf
Title:- Physical Oceanographer
Tel:- 0151 795 4849
Area:- Waves - [More]

Prof Philip L. Woodworth

Philip Woodworth
Title:- Leader Programme 1 (Sea Levels, Bottom Pressures and Space Geodesy).
Tel:- 0151 795 4860
Area:- Sea level changes on timescales from minutes to centuries - [More]


Dr Jiuxing Xing

Jiuxing Xing
Title:- Research Scientist
Tel:- 0151 795 4818
Area:- Shelf sea dynamics, internal tides and waves, numerical modelling - [More]
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