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Slovak-American Development Partnership 1990-2000

Table of Contents

I. Slovak-American Development Partnership

II. Slovakia’s Transition and the USAID Program

III. Our Assistance Legacy

  1. Building Democracy - People and Institutions
  2. Developing Enterprises - Private Sector Growth
  3. Investing in the Environment - Long-term Resources
  4. Improving Social Conditions - Health Sector Development
  5. Multi-sector Training Support

IV. Slovak-American Economic Cooperation in the Future

USAID Legacy Institutions in Slovakia: 1990-2000 and Beyond

USAID Slovakia’s Legacy Report was prepared by Robert J. Maushammer, Development Economist in collaboration with the USAID Slovakia Mission staff.

USAID wishes to express it sincerest appreciation to all those who worked with USAID during this assistance program, both our counterparts and our implementers. Thank you for your cooperation and efforts that helped us achieve our common goals for Slovakia’s transition to market economy and democratic society.






