Table of Contents | Appendix C-37



The Post-Termination Review shall be performed after the end of the Disposition Phase. This phase-end review shall be conducted within 6 months after disposition of the system. The Post-Termination Review Report documents the lessons learned from the shutdown and archiving of the terminated system.

The Post-Termination Review Report details the findings of the Disposition Phase review. It can be used to document and ensure that all functions have been performed to dispose of the system. This report can provide a check-list of activities completed to dispose of the system. It should include the details where to find all products and documentation that has been archived.


This section provides a brief description of introductory material.

1.1 Purpose and Scope

This section describes the purpose and scope of the Disposition Plan. Reference the information system name and provide identifying information about the system undergoing disposition.

1.2 Points of Contact

This section identifies the System Proponent. Provide the name of the responsible organization and staff (and alternates, if appropriate) who serve as points of contact for the system disposition.Include telephone numbers of key staff and organizations.

1.3 Project References

This section provides a bibliography of key project references and deliverables that have been produced before this point in the project development. These documents may have been produced in a previous development life cycle that resulted in the initial version of the system now undergoing disposition or may have been produced in subsequent enhancement efforts as appropriate.

1.4 Glossary

This section contains a glossary of all terms and abbreviations used in the plan. If it is several pages in length, it may be placed in an appendix.


2.1 Data Disposition

This section describes what happened to the data from the old system. Explain any problems or mis-haps that might have occurred during this phase.

2.2 Software Disposition

This section describes what happened to the software from the old system. Explain any lessons learned from performing this task during the Disposition Phase.

2.3 Equipment Disposition

This section describes what happened to the equipment from the old system. Explain where it is located, or if it was excessed, the date it was excessed.


This section explains what happened to the old system. It could be a check off sheet or in report format.

3.1 Data

This section explains where the old data is stored. If the old data was incorporated into a new system, so state here.

3.2 Software

This section explains where the old software is located.

3.3 Hardware

This section explains where the old hardware is located. If the equipment has been excessed, provide the date it was excessed.

Post-Termination Review Report Outline

Cover Page
Executive Summary

Table of Contents

1.0       Introduction
1.1       Purpose and Scope
            1.2       Points of Contact
            1.3       Project References
            1.4       Glossary

2.0       Lessons Learned
            2.1       Data Disposition
            2.2       Software Disposition
            2.3       Equipment Disposition

3.0       Archiving
            3.1       Data
            3.2       Software
            3.3       Hardware

Table of Contents | Appendix C-37