Table of Contents | Appendix C-21 | Appendix C-23



The Operations Manual provides computer control personnel and computer operators with a detailed operational description of the information system and its associated environments, such as machine room operations and procedures.

1.0      GENERAL

1.1      Introduction and Purpose

Describe the introduction and purpose of the Operations Manual, the name of the system to which it applies, and the type of computer operation.

1.2      Project References

List, at a minimum, the User Manual, Maintenance Manual, and other pertinent documentation.

1.3      Glossary

List any definitions or terms unique to this document or computer operation and subject to interpretation by the user of this document.


2.1      System Application

Provide a brief description of the system, including its purpose and uses.

2.2      System Organization

Describe the operation of the system by the use of a chart depicting operations and


2.3      Software Inventory

List the software units, to include name, identification, and security considerations. Identify software necessary to resume operation of the system in case of emergency.

2.4      Information Inventory

Provide information about data files and databases that are produced or referenced by the system.

2.4.1 Resource Inventory

List all permanent files and databases that are referenced, created, or updated by the system.

2.4.2 Report Inventory

List all reports produced by the system. Include report name and the software that generates it.

2.5      Processing Overview

Provide information that is applicable to the processing of the system. Include system restrictions, waivers of operational standards, and interfaces with other systems.

2.6      Communications Overview

Describe the communications functions and process of the system.

2.7      Security

Describe the security considerations associated with the system.

2.8      Privacy Act Warning

Include a Privacy Act warning if the system is covered by the Privacy Act.


3.1      Run Inventory

List the runs showing the software components, the job control batch file names, run jobs, and purpose of each run if any portion of the system is run in batch mode. For online
transaction-based processing, provide an inventory of all software components that must be loaded for the software system to be operational.

3.2      Run Sequence

Provide a schedule of acceptable phasing of the software system into a logical series of operations. If the system is a batch system, provide the execution schedule, which shows, at a minimum, the following:

•      Job dependencies
•      Day of week/month/date for execution
•      Time of day or night (if significant)
•      Expected run time in computer units

3.3      Diagnostic Procedures

Describe the diagnostic or error-detection features of the system, the purpose of the diagnostic features and the setup and execution procedures for any software diagnostic procedures.

3.4      Error Messages

List all error codes and messages with operator responses, as appropriate.

3.5      Run Descriptions

Provide detailed information needed to execute system runs. For each run include the information discussed in the subsequent sections.

3.5.1 Control Inputs

Describe all operator job control inputs--for example, starting the run, selecting run execution options, activating an online or transaction-based system, and running the system through remote devices, if appropriate.

3.5.2 Primary User Contact

Identify the user contact (and alternate if appropriate) for the system, including the person's name, organization, address, and telephone number.

3.5.3 Data Inputs

Describe the following if data input is required at production time:

•      Who is responsible for the source data
•      Format of the data
•      Data validation requirements
•      Disposition of input source and created data

3.5.4 Output Reports

Identify the report names, distribution requirements, and any identifying numbers expected to be output from the run. Describe reports to be produced from the system run by other than standard means.

3.5.5 Restart/Recovery Procedures

Provide instructions by which the operator can initiate restart or recovery procedures for the run.

3.5.6 Backup Procedures

Provide instructions by which the operator can initiate backup procedures. Cross-reference applicable instructions with procedures in the contingency plan.

3.5.7 Problem Reporting/Escalation Procedure

Provide instructions for reporting problems to a point of contact. Include the person's name and phone numbers (that is, office, home, pager, etc.).

Operations Manual

Cover Page
Table of Contents

1.0        GENERAL
            1.1            Introduction and Purpose
            1.2            Project References
            1.3            Glossary

            2.1       System Application
            2.2       System Organization
            2.3       Software Inventory
            2.4       Information Inventory
                        2.4.1       Resource Inventory
                        2.4.2       Report Inventory
            2.5       Processing Overview
            2.6       Communications Overview
            2.7       Security
            2.8       Privacy Act Warning

            3.1       Run Inventory
            3.2       Run Sequence
            3.3       Diagnostic Procedures
            3.4       Error Messages
            3.5       Run Descriptions
                        3.5.1       Control Inputs
                        3.5.2       Primary User Contact
                        3.5.3       Data Inputs
                        3.5.4       Output Reports
                        3.5.5       Restart/Recovery Procedures
                        3.5.6       Backup Procedures
                        3.5.7       Problem Reporting/Escalation Procedures

Table of Contents | Appendix C-21 | Appendix C-23