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President's Message September 2008


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Fall Brings New Change To The National Family Partnership


Fall is the season of change and we've taken it to heart by completely redesigning the NFP website (www.nfp.org) and by creating this eNewsletter.


When we asked you what you would like to see in our newsletter and our website, you and other parents told us that you wanted to see the latest news in short little snippets because you are way to BUSY to be reading long articles, no matter how informative they may be. You want to learn about the latest trends and tips in both drug prevention and internet safety.


Many of you are gracious donors and you have been asking us for years to make online giving available on the website - and through Network for Good, we have done just that. You can find the link on the top right corner of our home page. Click here to donate now!


For those of you who asked for more interactivity, we embedded Google Video right onto our homepage. Right now we are showcasing a Red Ribbon Cheer video. Feel free to submit video ideas.


We've even started our own blog. Click here to read it.


Enjoy exploring our website and we'll keep listening to your comments and suggestions. You are what this organization is all about.


Until next time,




National Family Partnership