(Dollars in Thousands)

Pos. FTE Amount
2005 Obligations   10,212 9,962 $1,543,674
2006 Appropriation   10,223 10,333 1,600,000
  2006 Rescission -- Reduction applied to DOJ (0.28%)   -29 -29 -4,480
  2006 Rescission -- Government-wide reduction (1.0%)   -97 -97 -15,955
  2006 Hurricane Supplemental   0 0 9,000
2006 Enacted (with Rescissions and Supplemental)   10,097 10,207 1,588,565
2007 Total New Budget Authority Request   10,262 10,298 1,664,400
2007 Proposed Rescission of Prior Year Unobligated Project SeaHawk Balances   0 0 -27,000
Net 2007 Request   10,262 10,298 1,637,400
Change 2007 from 2006   165 91 75,835
Technical Adjustments          
  Restoration of 2006 Governmentwide reduction (1.0%)   97 97 15,955
  2007 Impact of 2006 Rescission (1.0%)   -97 -97 -15,241
Total Technical Adjustments   0 0 714
Adjustments to Base            
  Transfer of positions from Litigating Divisions   16 16 2,305
   Subtotal Transfers   16 16 2,305
  2007 Pay Raise (2.2 %)   0 0 26,911
  Annualization of 2006 Pay Raise (3.1 %)   0 0 10,451
  DHS Security Charges   0 0 874
  Contract Guards   0 0 1,700
  Administrative Salary Increase   0 0 8,397
  GSA Rent   0 0 10,278
   Subtotal Increases   0 0 58,611
  Non-recurral of Hurricane Supplemental   0 0 -9,000
   Subtotal Decreases   0 0 -9,000
Total Adjustments to Base   16 16 51,916
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments   16 16 52,630
2007 Current Services   10,113 10,223 1,641,195
Program Changes by Strategic Goal:           
  Strategic Goal One: Prevent Terrorism and Promote the Nation’s Security 4 2 7,737
  Strategic Goal Two: Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People 145 73 15,468
   Program Changes   149 75 23,205
Total Program Changes   149 75 23,205
2007 Total New Budget Authority Request   10,262 10,298 1,664,400
  Change New Budget Authority 2007 from 2006   165 91 75,835


(Dollars in Thousands)

  2006 Enacted
( w/ Rescission)
  2007 Current Services   2007 Request   Total Program Changes
Perm           Perm           Perm           Perm        
Comparison by activity and program     Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
1. Criminal Litigation   7,923 7,949 $1,234,784 7,933 7,959 $1,273,347 8,079 8,033 $1,295,304 146 74 $21,957
2. Civil Litigation   2,136 2,219 335,956 2,142 2,225 349,821 2,142 2,225 349,821 0 0 0
3. Legal Education   38 39 17,825 38 39 18,027 41 40 19,275 3 1 1,248
  Total   10,097 10,207 1,588,565 10,113 10,223 1,641,195 10,262 10,298 1,664,400 149 75 23,205
  Reimbursable FTE   0 1,424 0 0 1,424 0 0 1,424 0 0 0 0
  Grand Total   10,097 11,631 1,588,565 10,113 11,647 1,641,195 10,262 11,722 1,664,400 149 75 23,205
  Proposed Rescission from Unobligated Project SeaHawk Balances   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -27,000 0 0 -27,000
  Grand Total, Adjusted   10,097 11,631 1,588,565 10,113 11,647 1,641,195 10,262 11,722 1,637,400 149 75 -3,795

Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2007 budget includes a 3 program activity decision unit strutcture to align the USA's budget with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2003-2008). In addition, the budget continues the realignment to reflect the USA's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget. These revisions assure that budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.

The Project SeaHawk unobligated balance rescission is proposed as a one-time reduction for FY 2007.
Program Increases by Strategic Goal            
Strategic Goal One: Prevent Terrorism and Promote the Nation’s Security   4   2   $7,737

1. National Security and Criminal Prosecutions
The USAs request 4 positions (1 attorney), 2 FTE, and $7,737,000 to support prosecution efforts in the war on terrorism. As a result of increases in funding for investigative agencies over the past several years, more resources are needed to prosecute those who pose a threat to the United States. Across America, the USAs are aggressively and successfully prosecuting terrorists. The initiative will provide support for Anti-Terrorism Advisory Councils (ATACs); litigation expenses for the growing number of terrorism cases being prosecuted; the need for information technology security; and anti-terrorism training. FY 2007 current services resources are 567 positions (315 attorneys), 567 FTE, and $84,091,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this activity are 571 positions (316 attorneys), 569 FTE, and $91,828,000.

Strategic Goal Two: Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People   145   73   15,468

2. Physical Security
The USAs request $1,430,000 for replacement and upgrades of basic physical security in U.S. Attorneys' Offices (USAOs). Physical security needs for prosecutors and other judicial officers is a growing issue as a result of the potential threat posed by terrorists and other criminals. The protection of the men and women who comprise our judicial system is essential to the proper administration of justice. The types of equipment requested include intrusion detection and access control systems and identification badge systems. This equipment will assist in making USAOs safer and enhance the capability to respond in the event of a crisis. FY 2007 current services resources are $3,500,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this activity are $4,930,000.

3. Gang Prosecutions
The USAs request 61 positions (48 attorneys), 31 FTE, and $6,081,000 to support prosecution efforts for combating gang violence and the reduction of crime throughout the United States. Violent street gangs represent a growing threat to public safety in neighborhoods throughout the United States. The additional resources requested are needed to prosecute gang members and to create new and strengthened coordination efforts among local agencies that are addressing the gang problem. FY 2007 current services resources are 92 positions (74 attorneys), 92 FTE, and $13,302,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this activity are 153 positions (122 attorneys), 123 FTE, and $19,383,000.

4. Child Exploitation and Obscenity Prosecutions
The USAs request 26 positions (21 attorneys), 13 FTE, and $2,625,000 to prosecute the increasing child exploitation, obscenity, child trafficking and "traveling" cases throughout the country. From FY 2004 to FY 2005, the number of child abuse/pornography cases filed increased 76 percent, from 893 to 1,576. This initiative will focus on the proliferation of child sexual exploitation as a result of the internet and electronic tools used by criminals. Additional resources will also be used to combat the increase in so-called "traveling" offenses that involve not only the interstate and international trafficking of women and children, but also criminals that travel to engage in sex with children. FY 2007 current services resources are 274 positions (195 attorneys), 274 FTE, and $42,045,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this activity are 300 positions (216 attorneys), 287 FTE, and $44,670,000.

5. Identity Theft Prosecutions
The USAs request 30 positions (24 attorneys), 15 FTE, and $3,015,000 to prosecute additional identity theft cases - as one of the dominant white collar crime problems facing law enforcement authorities today. Surveys show that over 10 million Americans are victims of identity theft each year and it costs businesses an estimated $48 billion annually in losses. FY 2007 current services resources are 94 positions (68 attorneys), 94 FTE, and $14,424,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this activity are 124 positions (92 attorneys), 109 FTE, and $17,439,000.

6. Criminal Debt Collection
The USAs request 28 positions, 14 FTE, and $2,317,000 to provide for increased enforcement and debt collection litigation. Emphasis will be placed on identification and preservation of assets, thereby increasing the amount of restitution for crime victims. Skilled asset investigators will determine availability of assets that otherwise might not have been discovered. Unpaid debt has risen dramatically in recent years, and additional asset investigators will allow USAOs to increase their collection efforts substantially. At the end of FY 2005, $41.4 billion in criminal debt was outstanding, with 25 percent or $10.4 billion that may be collectible. FY 2007 current services resources are 340 positions (45 attorneys), 340 FTE, and $52,173,000. Total FY 2007 resources for this activity are 368 positions (45 attorneys), 354 FTE, and $54,490,000.

Total Program Changes, United States Attorneys   149   75   $23,205
Rescission from Project SeaHawk Balances   0   0   $-27,000
In FY 2003, Congress created the Intermodal Transportation and Port Security Pilot Project, known as Project SeaHawk, at the Port of Charleston, South Carolina. At that time, the Department of Homeland Security did not exist, and USAs were directed in appropriation language to coordinate the project. For FY 2007, the President's Budget proposes rescinding the remaining unobligated balance of $27,000,000. The Department of Homeland Security, State and local governments, and the private sector have invested billions to strengthen port security since September 11, 2001. In addition, the U.S. Coast Guard is responsible for implementing the Maritime Transportation Security Act regulations - legislation that enhances security at ports, facilities and vessels nationwide by ensuring uniform standards of security exists throughout our U.S. port environment. Under the leadership of the Department of Homeland Security, initiatives such as Project SeaHawk will continue to be evaluated on their merits, and America's ports made safer.
Note: The Project SeaHawk unobligated balance rescission is proposed as a one-time reduction for FY 2007.


(Dollars in Thousands)

                          New Decision Unit Structure
  2006 Enacted (w/ Rescission and Supplemental)   Criminal Litigation   Civil Litigation   Legal Education
Perm           Perm           Perm           Perm        
Comparison by activity and program     Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE1 Amount Pos. FTE Amount
1. Criminal Litigation   7,754 7,757 $1,205,726 7,923 7,949 $1,234,784 0 0 $0 0 0 $0
2. Civil Litigation   2,091 2,166 328,050 0 0 0 2,136 2,219 335,956 0 0 0
3. Legal Education   38 39 17,825 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 39 17,825
4. Management & Administration   214 245 36,964 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Total   10,097 10,207 1,588,565 7,923 7,949 1,234,784 2,136 2,219 335,956 38 39 17,825
  Reimbursable FTE   0 1,424 0 0 1,273 0 0 151 0 0 0 0
  Grand Total   10,097 11,631 1,588,565 7,923 9,222 1,234,784 2,136 2,370 335,956 38 39 17,825