(Dollars in Thousands)

Pos. FTE Amount
2005 Obligations   18 18 $1,039,254
2006 Appropriation   21 21 1,222,000
  2006 Rescission -- Reduction applied to DOJ (0.28%)   0 0 -3,296
  2006 Rescission -- Government-wide reduction (1.0%)       -11,737
  Prior year unobligated balane rescission   0 0 -45,000
2006 Enacted (with Rescissions)   21 21 1,161,967
2007 Request   21 21 1,332,326
Change 2007 from 2006   0 0 170,359
Technical Adjustments        
  Restoration of 2006 Governmentwide reduction (1.0%)   0 0 11,737
  2007 Impact of 2006 Rescission (1.0%)   0 0 -12,401
  Restoration of prior-year unobligated balances   0 0 37,000
Total Technical Adjustments   0 0 36,336
Adjustments to Base        
  Transfer of Prisoner Movements Base from USMS 1/   0 0 27,935
   Total Transfers   0 0 27,935
  2007 Pay Raise (2.2 %)   0 0 126
  Annualization of 2006 Pay Raise (3.1 %)   0 0 56
  DHS Security Charges   0 0 6
Total Adjustments to Base   0 0 28,123
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments   0 0 64,459
2007 Current Services   21 21 1,226,426
Program Changes        
Program increases by Strategic Goal:        
  Strategic Goal Four: Ensure the Fair and Efficient Operation of the Federal Justice System 0 0 105,900
Total Program Changes   0 0 105,900
2007 Request   21 21 1,332,326
  Change 2007 from 2006   0 0 170,359
1/Reflects the transfer of $27,935,000 for prisoner movements from the USMS. This funding consists of $22,685,000 for anticipated costs for JPATS air transportation, and $5,250,000 anticipated costs for non-JPATS transportation.



(Dollars in Thousands)

  2006 Enacted w/ Rescission   2007 Current Services   2007 Request   Total Program Changes
Perm           Perm           Perm           Perm        
Comparison by activity and program     Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
1.Office of the Trustee   21 21 $9,020 21 21 $9,208 21 21 $9,208 0 0 $0
2. Detention   0 0 1,152,947 0 0 1,217,218 0 0 1,323,118 0 0 105,900
  Total.   21 21 1,161,967 21 21 1,226,426 21 21 1,323,326 0 0 105,900
Program Increases by Strategic Goal                                            
Strategic Goal Four: Ensure the Fair and Efficient Operation of the Federal Justice System   0   0   $105,900

1. Housing of USMS Detainees
The Office of the Federal Detention Trustee requests an additional $102,000,000 to care for USMS detainees housed in private, state, local, and federal facilities. This increase, along with base resources, will support an average daily population of 62,920. The anticipated average daily per-diem rate for detainees in non-federal housing is $64.74. FY 2007 current services for this activity are $1,189,283,000; total FY 2007 resources for this program activity are $1,291,283,000.

2. Increase for JPATS costs of USMS Detainees
The Office of the Federal Detention Trustee also requests $3,900,000 to support the movement of federal detainees via the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System. These resources will provide for additional 200 flight hours, cover the increased cost of aircraft fuel, and purchase three 40 passenger buses to enable a more cost efficient mode of transportation in selected areas. FY 2007 current services for this activity are $27,935,000; total FY 2007 resources for this program activity are $31,835,000.

Total Program Changes, Office of the Federal Detention Trustee   0   0   $105,900