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We feature regularly updated professional employment and internship opportunities for those in the preservation industry and allied fields. Please select a job title below or choose a job type in the menu to your left for a complete list of available positions.
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GeoCoding Coordinates...

  posted 5/05/09
  City of Buffalo   Buffalo, NY
  posted 5/05/09
  Galveston Historical Foundation   Galveston, TX
  posted 5/04/09
  New York Preservation Archive Project   New York, NY
  posted 5/04/09
  Historic Albany Foundation   Albany, NY
  posted 5/02/09
  National Alliance of Preservation Commissions   Athens, GA
  posted 5/01/09
  President Calvin Coolidge Historic Site   Plymouth Notch, VT




PreserveNet is maintained by Cornell University students with funding from the
National Council for Preservation Education.

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