America On the Move challenges you, your family and your community to take small steps and make small changes to a healthier way of life. Get involved!

  2009 Accomplishments
Look where AOM’s users are and what you’ve accomplished! From January 1-April 30, the AOM website had 262,152 visits and 1,205,109 pageviews with a total of 6,929 of you completing a challenge and the accompanying evaluation in this timeframe—a total of 11,966,958,664 steps!

According to web analytics, users from the following 10 states visited the website most frequently in this timeframe:

State Website Visits Completing Challenge Steps
Pennsylvania 35,850 1,617 1,800,591,852
New York 29,309 395 908,138,250
Colorado 21,293 399 503,762,887
Connecticut 16,205 440 900,480,433
Florida 14,853 391 702,750,929
California 13,358 271 491,637,062
Texas 10,267 187 363,439,497
Virginia 7,682 161 91,731,634
Minnesota 7,224 83 78,811,364
Indiana 7,211 248 43,181,682

We’re happy you are using the site and seeing the benefits of your hard work! Stay tuned for a new AOM site with greatly enhanced functionality in a few months…details coming soon!

Keep it up the good work!

AOM Communities

The AOM movement is building momentum in cities and states across the country. See what's happening in your community.

Special Buddy Pack Offer

In support of USA Today's Weight-Loss Challenge, AOM is offering the AOM Buddy Pack for only $14.95! Or get two Buddy Packs for only $24.95!  Read the article or order a buddy pack.

got milk? AOM does. 

small changes make a big differenceAOM is partnering with the got milk? campaign to prove that simple changes can provide a powerful payback. Get more information and ideas to help you reach long-term success here.

Just for Kids

Check out what AOM offers kids, families and teachers.

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