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Press Releases

April 20, 2009


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Vice President Joe Biden will speak at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s 2009 National Tribute Dinner on Wednesday, April 22, honoring former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen for their roles as Co-Chairs of the Genocide Prevention Task Force. The Task Force, convened by the Museum, the United States Institute of Peace, and The American Academy of Diplomacy issued a groundbreaking report in December 2008 that provides a blueprint for how the U.S. government can more effectively prevent and respond to genocide and mass atrocities in the future.

Secretary Cohen will deliver remarks at the event, and Secretary Albright will speak by video. Also being recognized are students from St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School in Louisville, Kentucky, who sponsored a successful campaign to have Holocaust education become a required part of their state’s curriculum. Omer Ismail, Darfur Peace and Development Organization Co-Founder and native Darfurian, and Nesse Godin, a Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer, will speak as well. Hadassah Lieberman, and Shelley and Joseph Brodecki are event co-chairs.

“The Holocaust teaches us the consequences of inaction—by individuals, institutions and governments,” says Museum Director Sara J. Bloomfield. “Our dinner honorees show that individuals—from Cabinet members to school students—can make a difference. They all exemplify this year’s Days of Remembrance theme of ‘Never Again: What You Do Matters.’”

From April 19 through 26, the Museum will lead the nation in its annual Days of Remembrance commemorating the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, as well as the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution. The Museum designated, “Never Again: What You Do Matters,” as the theme for the 2009 observances, to encourage all Americans to reflect upon the power of individuals to create a more just and humane world. These observances will take place in communities, state houses, city halls, churches, and synagogues in the United States and military installations worldwide. On Thursday, April 23, the National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance, led by the Museum, will be held in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda, and President Barack Obama will deliver the keynote address. More information can be found at www.ushmm.org/remembrance/dor.

The National Tribute Dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Washington.

A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to promote human dignity, confront hatred and prevent genocide. While federal support guarantees the Museum’s permanent place on the National Mall, its far-reaching educational outreach and global impact are made possible by the generosity of donors nationwide. More information is available at www.ushmm.org.

MEDIA: Media wishing to attend the program must contact Andrew Hollinger at 202.488.6133 or ahollinger@ushmm.org. Security sweeps will take place at 4:00 p.m.


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Andrew Hollinger
Director, Media Relations
(202) 488-6133