[Note: this letter has been mailed to industry members of record on or about May 14, 1988.]

Dear Industry Member:

This is to advise you that ATF F 5100.31, Application for and Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval (4-98) has been revised. Copies of the revised form are now available. Previous editions of this form are obsolete.

Some of the more significant changes to the form include additional blocks on the front of the form. This includes items:

    6. Plant Registry/Basic Permit No./Brewer’s No.,

    7a. Mailing Address,

    10. Net Contents,

    11. Phone Number,

    13. Alcohol Content,

    15. Fax Number,

    20. Type Name of Applicant or Authorized Agent.

Some of the blocks have been revised and/or additional instructions have been added including:

    Vendor Code,

    Serial Number,
    Class & type,
    7. Name and Address of Applicant etc.,
    9. Lab No./Date

    14. Vintage

    17. State any wording etc.

    Part II, Applicants Certification

    22. Authorized Signature etc.

The information contained on the reverse of the form, conditions and instructions, has also been revised.

A supply of the revised application forms may be obtained by contacting the ATF Distribution Center at (703-455-7801).

Sincerely yours,




Gerard W. LaRusso
Chief, Alcohol and Tobacco Programs Division