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One of several communities in Southwest Bangladesh affected by severe flooding.
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Non-Emergency Program References

Flood protection bridge located at the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) office in Bengladesh.USAID's 1995 Food Aid and Food Security Policy Paper guides the Title II non-emergency program development for all USAID administered food aid activities. Faith-based and other private, non-governmental organizations, the World Food Program and Cooperating Sponsors directly implement Title II development programming. Development food aid is used to improve food access, availability, and utilization. Food aid directly supplements the diet of young children and pregnant and lactating mothers, and when used as food for work (FFW) mobilizes poor people's labor to feed families and build local commercial and agricultural infrastructure necessary for sustainable rural development. Commodity sales (monetization) encourage local and U.S. market development by promoting private sector participation. The local currency proceeds of those sales are used to implement critical interventions that help insure that the program's longer-term objective of sustainable increases in food security is met. Monetization proceeds are used to support the provision of basic health services, nutrition education, agricultural extension and training, and local capacity building. Title II development food aid, when fully integrated with other USAID resources, enhances the effectiveness of child survival, agriculture, income generation, basic education and community development activities targeting the rural poor.


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