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Youth in Action

"If help and salvation are to come, they can only come from the children, for the children are the makers of men."

Maria Montessori

Our support for youth has never been more important as we strive to help nations make a lasting transition from communist, centrally controlled political systems to open societies.

We would like to share experiences from our youth-oriented programs to build awareness of the challenges facing our region’s young people and their efforts to build a better future. The links below lead to full text articles describing our latest efforts to improve the situation for youth in the Europe and Eurasia region.

This new youth web initiative is a resource to educate students and teachers about our efforts and a tool to build dialogue on the issues surrounding young people in the region.

We welcome your questions and comments about our programs.

Youth VotingDemocracy's First Steps

"We want students to follow the rules; keeping quiet in the halls, attend class every day and finish school until the last year. We want to restore the school so that the students are proud to come here," said Xheme Tonuzi, in her campaign speech to her classmates. Xheme, along with 102 classmates, conducted the first student election ever to be held in their small rural school in Kruje, Albania. Read More ...

Image - BasketballUSAID Creates Summer Basketball Camp in Kragujevac, Serbia

Over one hundred teenagers, ages 14 - 17, from nine municipalities of Central Serbia participated in the Kragujevac Summer Basketball Camp, managed by Mr. Rod Wood, a basketball coach from Mary Washington College in Fredrickson, VA. Girls and boys from the region gathered and, through basketball games and instruction, exchanged experiences and built new friendships. Read More ...

Image - USAID Albania - Students Building BusinessesEight Thousand Albanian Students Building Businesses at their Schools

All over Albania students have started up fast food services, travel agencies and entertainment companies. They have organized lotteries, shows, concerts and sold newspapers, CD’s, jewelry and T-shirts that are designed and made by themselves. They are learning how to run a business and how to make money. Read More ...

Image - USAID Macedonia - Community Self-Help InitiativeUSAID Macedonia - Community Self-Help Initiative (CSHI)

Macedonia’s Youth show up in force to contribute to the harmony and well being of their communities, with the guidance of Mak Action (Macedonian Volunteers for Action) in collaboration with the NGO “First Children’s Embassy in the World-Medjashi” and assistance from the USAID/CSHI program. Read More ...

image - ARKA - USAID Macedonia - Community Self-Help InitiativeAn Honor for “ARKA”

USAID Macedonia Community Self-Help Initiative (CSHI)

The Roma Rights Forum “ARKA” received recognition at CSHI’s Sunshine Awards Ceremony, for their contribution to education and sustainable economic development in Kumanovo through the establishment of the “ARKA” Center for Education and Internet Club. Read More ...

The Orphanage "October 11" to receive 3 computers with educational software

Skopje - The Orphanage "October 11" the only orphanage in Macedonia. It is home to 145 boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 18 from all ethnic groups and from all over Macedonia. The children study in elementary and secondary schools in Skopje but starting Wednesday the children gain access to modern educational software in their home, thanks to a donation of educational programs from Login Systems, Skopje and three used computers from USAID. Read More ...

image - The "Filip Filipovic" Primary School: Into the Modern AgeThe "Filip Filipovic" Primary School: Into the Modern Age

USAID Serbia & Montenegro - Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA)

Katarina Krstic has been making ends meet for the past three years, struggling with her income as a part-time computer science teacher: "I started considering the possibility of teaching at two schools in order to have one full-time job with a full salary.” Thanks to a donation of computers through the USAID-funded Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) program, not only does Katarina have a full-time position at her local school, but she is teaching her subject with modern technology. Read More ...

image - USAID involves Children in Environmental EducationUSAID involves Children in Environmental Education

USAID Serbia & Montenegro - Green Schools' Students In Serbia's CRDA Communities Protect Nature

The Green Schools Program is a comprehensive educational initiative focusing on energy efficiency in schools. In Serbia, the Green Schools Program, sponsored by USAID's implementing partners CHF International and the Alliance to Save Energy, has gathered educational institutions in a multi-ethnic and bilingual initiative that introduces energy education, environmental education and conservation into the school curriculum. Read More ...

image - Three Generations and a New FutureThree Generations and a New Future

USAID Serbia & Montenegro - Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA)

"When I grow up, I will not leave my village!" proclaims seven-year-old Stefan Nikolic.

And Stefan's father, Duško, knows why: "These sheep, we care so much about them. It sounds kind of funny, but we don't look after anything else the same way!" They are the family livelihood and their hope of staying in their home towns.

Throughout rural parts of Central Serbia, families worry about the future in their home towns and villages. Over the past decade, opportunities for generating a decent income have been few and far between in agriculture-based communities. As children grow up, many look toward the larger cities as places where jobs might be found, and lives might be built. However, thanks to USAID’s Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) program, citizens are changing their future plans and seeking to develop opportunities in the villages where they were raised. Read More ...

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Fri, 18 Feb 2005 14:14:08 -0500