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Friday, March 07, 2008

Senior Corps
Office of the Director


Senior Corps Guide to National Conference Now Available


Dear Senior Corps Grantee:

As springtime slowly comes to the east coast, we look forward to the arrival of warmer weather, and to seeing you this June at the 2008 Senior Corps Conference, which for the first time ever is being held in conjunction with the National Conference on Volunteering and Service. Senior Corps project directors and sponsors will have the opportunity to discuss policies related to Senior Corps, to share best practices, to explore new technologies, to connect with others, and to learn about the latest in volunteer management.

As we seek to strengthen the role of service and volunteerism as a strategy to help communities meet pressing challenges, we continue to be proud of RSVP, Foster Grandparent, and Senior Companion projects as critical assets to serve needs in communities and to provide valuable opportunities to the volunteers. It is our hope that attending the upcoming National Conference, June 1-3 in Atlanta, Georgia, will enhance your skills and provide you with more tools to accomplish your work every day.

Senior Corps Day

While the majority of workshop sessions and events you will attend are selections from the national conference program, Monday, June 2nd is designated as "Senior Corps Day" - an opportunity to focus on Senior Corps-specific issues through:

  • A Town Hall Meeting
  • A Sponsor Dialogue Session
  • A Senior Corps Luncheon featuring Corporation CEO David Eisner
  • Program specific Tabletop Sessions that provide networking opportunities about high interest topics
  • Program Specific Issues Forums
  • Senior Corps "Welcome Plenary" (June 1st, 9:00-11:00 a.m.)

Be sure to register for these special events when the conference registration opens.

Senior Corps National Conference Planner

When the conference registration opens you will have many choices to make about activities and workshop sessions. The Senior Corps Conference Planning Team and the Senior Corps Sounding Board, made up of Project Directors and Sponsor Executive Directors, have created the attached Senior Corps National Conference Planner to help you plan your conference agenda and instructions for the registration site.

The Senior Corps National Conference Planner link will take you to several sites to help you make your choices:

  • An Overview of Senior Corps and General Conference Events
  • Important Facts to Know
  • The Senior Corps Session Guide
  • New Project Directors' Training - Pre-Conference Agenda

The Senior Corps Session Guide: Optional Workshop Sessions of Particular Interest to Senior Corps

This year's conference includes more than 130 sessions, including a number of workshops developed with Senior Corps specifically in mind. Because such an abundance of options may be simultaneously invigorating and intimidating, in collaboration with Senior Corps Project Directors and Corporation Staff, we have assembled a Senior Corps Sessions Guide. The Guide highlights workshop sessions in each time block that address topics of particular interest to Senior Corps project directors and Sponsor Executive Directors. We encourage you to review the sessions included in the Senior Corps Sessions Guide as you plan your workshop schedules. Although this Guide highlights sessions that are Senior Corps focused, you are not restricted to these choices. We encourage you to look through the entire conference content on the registration site to see if other workshops might better meet your needs.

Important Facts to Know

This is a document with helpful information including:

  • Registration fee and lodging information
  • Schedule of events
  • Optional pre-conference events
  • Activities for the Senior Corps community, both before and during the Conference
  • Information regarding the allowable use of grant funds to pay for Conference
  • Tips for getting around in and enjoying Atlanta

Other Information

Conference registration will open the week of March 10th. Conference and hotel registration must be done online at You will select your conference workshop agenda when you register for the conference. You can register for the conference and your hotel and go back later to select your workshop activities. If you register before April 30, the total fee for Senior Corps attendees is $350. After April 30, the registration fee goes up to $450.

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta.


Tess Scannell, Director
Senior Corps


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