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  • Alves, J. H. G. M., Y. Y. Chao and H. L. Tolman, 2005: The Operational North Atlantic Hurricane Wind-Wave Forecasting System at NOAA/NCEP. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / MMAB Technical Note Nr. 244, 59 pp (5.0 Mb pdf file)..
  • Caplan, P. J, Derber, W. Gemmill, S.-Y. Hong, H.-L. Pan and D. Parish, 1997: Changes to the 1995 NCEP operational medium-range forecast model analysis/forecast system. Wea. Forecasting., 12, 581-594.
  • Chao. Y. Y., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, 2003a: The North Atlantic hurricane wind wave forecasting system. NWS/NCEP Technical Procedures Bulletin 478.
  • Chao. Y. Y., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, 2003b: Wave foreacsting for the Eastern North Pacific and adjacent waters. NWS/NCEP Technical Procedures Bulletin 491.
  • Chao. Y. Y., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, 2003c: Wave foreacsting for the Western North Atlantic and adjacent waters. NWS/NCEP Technical Procedures Bulletin 495.
  • Chao, Y. Y., L.D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, 2003d: Wave foreacsting for Alaskan waters. NWS/NCEP Technical Procedures Bulletin 496.
  • Chao, Y.Y., and H.L. Tolman, 2000: Numerical experiments on predicting hurricane generated wind waves. Preprints 6th international workshop on wave hindcasting and forecasting, Environment Canada, 167-179.
  • Chao, Y. Y., and H. L. Tolman, 2001: Specification of hurricane wind fields for ocean wave prediction. Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, San Francisco, CA, B. L. Edge and J. M. Hemsley, Eds., ASCE, 671-679.
  • Chen, H. S., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, 2003: Ocean surface waves. NWS/NCEP Technical Procedures Bulletin 494.
  • Derber, J.C., Parish, D.F. and Lord, S.J., 1991: The new global operational analysis system at the National Meteorological Center. Wea. Forecasting , 6, 538-547.
  • Gerling, T.W., 1992: Partitioning sequences and arrays of directional wave spectra into component wave systems. J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn. , 9, 444-458.
  • Grumbine, R.W., 1996: Automated passive microwave sea ice concentration analysis at NCEP. NWS/NCEP/OMB technical note 120, 13pp.
  • Kanamitsu, M., 1989 Description of the NMC global data assimilation and forecast system. Wea. Forecasting, 4, 335-243.
  • Kanamitsu, M., Alpert, J.C., Campana, K.A., Caplan, M.P., Deaven, D.G., Iredell, M., Katz, B., Pan, H.-L., Sela, J. and White, G.H., 1991: Recent changes implemented into the global forecast system at NMC. Wea. Forecasting , 6, 425-435.
  • Tolman, H. L., 1995: On the selection of propagation schemes for a spectral wind wave model. NWS/NCEP Office Note 411, 30 pp. + figures.
  • Tolman, H. L., 1998a: Validation of NCEP's ocean winds for the use in wind wave models. Global Atmosphere and Ocean System, 6, 243-268.
  • Tolman, H. L., 1998b: Validation of a new global wave forecast system at NCEP. In: Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis, B.L. Edge and J.M. Helmsley, Eds., ASCE, 777-786.
  • Tolman, H. L., 1999: User manual and system documentation of WAVEWATCH-III version 1.18. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / OMB technical note 166, 110 pp. (0.76 Mb pdf file).
  • Tolman, H. L., 2001: Improving propagation in ocean wave models. Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, San Francisco, CA, B. L. Edge and J. M. Hemsley, Eds., ASCE, 507-516.
  • Tolman, H. L., 2002a: Distributed memory concepts in the wave model WAVEWATCH III. Parallel Computing, 28, 35-52.
  • Tolman, H. L., 2002b: Validation of WAVEWATCH III version 1.15 for a global domain. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / OMB Technical Note Nr. 213, 33 pp. (2.7 Mb pdf file, in color).
  • Tolman, H. L., 2002c: Alleviating the Garden Sprinkler Effect in wind wave models. Ocean Modelling, 4, 269-289.
  • Tolman, H.L. 2002d: Limiters in third-generation wind wave models. Global Atmos. and Ocean. System, 8, 67-83.
  • Tolman, H. L., 2002e: Testing of WAVEWATCH III version 2.22 in NCEP's NWW3 ocean wave model suite. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / OMB Technical Note Nr. 214, 99 pp. (13 Mb pdf file in color or gresyscales).
  • Tolman, H. L., 2002f: User manual and system documentation of WAVEWATCH-III version 2.22. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / OMB technical note 222, 133 pp. (0.89 Mb pdf file).
  • Tolman, H. L., 2002g: The 2002 release of WAVEWATCH III. Preprints 7th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Banff, Canada, 188-197.
  • Tolman, H. L., 2003a: Treatment of unresolved islands and ice in wind wave models. Ocean Modelling, 5, 219-231.
  • Tolman, H. L., 2003b: Optimum Discrete Interaction Approximations for wind waves. Part I: mapping using inverse modeling. . NOAA / NWS / NCEP / OMB technical note 227, 57 pp. + Appendices (3.8 Mb pdf file).
  • Tolman, H. L., 2003c: Running WAVEWATCH III on a Linux cluster. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / MMAB Technical Note 228, 27 pp (0.55 Mb pdf file).
  • Tolman, H. L., J. H. G. M. Alves and Y. Y. Chao, 2004: A review of operational forecasing of wind generated waves by hurricane Isabel at NCEP. NOAA / NWS / NCEP / MMAB Technical Note Nr. 235, 45 pp (6.6 Mb pdf file)..
  • Tolman, H. L., B. Balasubramaniyan, L. D. Burroughs, D. V. Chalikov, Y. Y. Chao, H. S. Chen, and V. M. Gerald, 2002: Development and implementation of wind generated ocean surface wave models at NCEP. Weather and Forecasting, 17, 311-333.
  • Tolman, H. L., and N. Booij, 1998: Modeling wind waves using wavenumber-direction spectra and a variable wavenumber grid. Global Atmosphere and Ocean System, 6, 295-309.
  • Tolman, H. L., and D. V. Chalikov, 1994: Development of a third-generation ocean wave model at NOAA-NMC. Proc. Waves - Physical and numerical modelling , M. Isaacson and M.C. Quick Eds., Vancouver, 724-733.
  • Tolman, H. L., and D. V. Chalikov, 1996: Source terms in a third-generation wind-wave model. J. Phys. Oceanogr, 26, 2497-2518.
  • Wingeart, K. M., W. C. O'Reilly, T. H. C. Herbers, P. A. Wittmann, R. E. Jenssen, and H. L. Tolman, 2001: Validation of operational global wave prediction models with spectral buoy data. Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, San Francisco, CA, B. L. Edge and J. M. Hemsley, Eds., ASCE, 590-599.

Documentation of Model Changes

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Other Online Presentations

  • NOAA WAVEWATCH III, How to use the web page. July 2000.
  • Southern Region Marine Forecasters Training Workshop slides March 2002, or pdf handouts (1.6Mb).
  • Westen Region Marine Forecasters Training Workshop slides May 2003, or pdf handouts (1.4Mb).
  • New England Marine Workshop slides October 2002, or pdf handouts (0.6Mb).
  • Mid-Atlantic Region Workshop PDF handout (1.4Mb), June 2003.
  • Slides from 7th Int. Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Oct. 20-25, 2002, Banff, Canada.
  • Slides from Caribbean wave and storm surge workshop, first presentation, June. 16-20, 2003, Halifax, Canada (pdf).
  • Slides from Caribbean wave and storm surge workshop, second presentation, June. 16-20, 2003, Halifax, Canada (pdf).

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