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Scientist to Scientist Meeting

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Lists of Meeting Documents, Handouts, Etc.

National Exposure Research Laboratory
Las Vegas, Nevada
June 14-15, 2000


The handouts, overheads, papers, materials, etc. from EPA's "Mining Waste Scientist to Scientist Meeting" on June 14-15, 2000 in EPA/ORD's National Exposure Research Laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada are intended for internal Agency discussion purposes only, and the positions noted in any of the papers, materials, etc. from this meeting are the views of the individual presenters only and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Agency or organization of the presenter.


  1. Meeting Presentations
  2. Presentation Materials that were not Presented at Meeting
  3. Meeting Handouts
  4. References/Bibliographies

1) Meeting Presentations

Ref # Speaker Subject Electronic Files
101 Ed Hanlon (OSP),
Paul Zielinski (OSP)
Objectives/Purpose of Mining Waste Meeting Power Point
102 Steve Hoffman (OSWER) Office of Solid Waste Mine Waste Research Needs 2000 Power Point
103 Nick Ceto (Region 10) Various Mining-Related Regulatory and Non-Scientific Issues of Interest Power Point
104 Irene Dooley (OW) Arsenic in Drinking Water Regulation Power Point
105 Paul White (NCEA) Arsenic Risk Assessment and Characterization N/A
106 Michael McDonald (NHEERL) ORD's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Power Point
107 Jim Pendergast (OW) TMDL Tools and Applicability to Mining Sites Power Point
108 Dale Hoff (Region 8) Use of Genetically Resistant Organisms at Mining Sites N/A
109 Jim Lazorchak (NERL) Genetic Indicators Research Power Point
110 Ed Hanlon (OSP) Selenium Ecological Risk Issues Power Point
111 Anne Dailey (Region 10) Coeur d'Alene Site Power Point
112 Dale Hoff (Region 8) Technical Challenges in the Development of the Clark Fork River Ecological Risk Assessment Power Point
113 Larry Eccles (NERL) Inexpensive Methods to Characterize and Monitor Mining Site Metal Migration Power Point
114 Ed Heithmar (NERL) Analytical Methods for Mining Wastes Power Point
115 Diana Bless (NRMRL) NETL Remote Sensing Technologies Power Point
(Bless Remote Sensing.ppt)
116 David Williams (NERL) methods for using ariel photographic images to identify mining operations Power Point
117 Tom Mace (OEI) Advanced Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Sites: Discrimination and Screening of Problem Mine and Extractive Industry Wastes (Ray Mine) Freelance
118 David Jewett (NRMRL-Ada) Mining Waste and Modeling Power Point
119 Rick Wilkin (NRMRL-Ada) Fate and Transport of Contaminants from Acid Mine Drainage Power Point
120 Nick Loux (NERL-Athens) Geochemical Research Issues Associated with Acid Mine Drainage Power Point
121 Dave Brown (NERL-Athens) FRAMES-HWIR Software System, the 3MRA, and Mining Waste Power Point
122 Carol Russell (Region 8) Abandoned Mine Lands Initiative Power Point
123 Bob Puls, Rick Wilkin (NRMRL-Ada) Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganics Power Point
124 John Hillenbrand (Region 9) Asarco's Ray Mine, Arizona: Remediation and Control of Releases Freelance
125 Roger Wilmoth (NRMRL) Mine Waste Technology Program Overview Power Point
126 Diana Bless (NRMRL) Mine Waste Technology Program: Overview of Projects Power Point
127 David Reisman (NRMRL) ORD Engineering Technical Support for Mining Sites Power Point
128 Bob Puls (NRMRL-Ada) Permeable Reactive Barriers for Inorganic Contaminants and Treatment of Acid Rock Drainage Power Point
129 Ed Hanlon (ORD/OSP) Technology Transfer: Mining Web Site Options Power Point


2) Presentation Materials that were not Presented at Meeting

Ref # Speaker Subject Electronic Files
200 Diana Bless (NRMRL) Source Control: Surface Waste Pilot Demonstration Project Power Point
201 Diana Bless (NRMRL) Clay Based Grouting Demonstration Project Power Point
202 Diana Bless (NRMRL) Biocyanide Demonstration Project Power Point
203 Diana Bless (NRMRL) Integrated Processes for Treatment of Berkeley Pit Water Power Point
204 David Reisman (NRMRL) The SITE Demonstration Program: Trends and Future Direction Power Point


3) Meeting Handouts

Ref # Author Subject Electronic Files
300 Ed Hanlon Final Agenda: June 14-15, 2000, Mining Waste Scientist to Scientist Meeting PDF, 57 Kb, 7 pp
301 Steering Committee What is a Scientist to Scientist Meeting PDF, 20 Kb, 1 pp
302 Taken from ORD Research Accomplishments Report (EPA 600-R-99-106) Office of Research Development Labs and Centers PDF, 209 Kb, 2 pp
303 EPA's Waste Research Coordination Team (RCT) ORD Waste Technical Support (11/4/99) PDF, 43 Kb, 4 pp
304 EPA's Office of Water Proposed Revision to Arsenic Drinking Water Standard (EPA 815-F-00-012) PDF, 1 Kb, Corrupted
305 EPA's Office of Water Arsenic Questions and Answers (available through http://www.epa.gov/safewater/) PDF, 38 Kb, 4 pp
306 EPA's Office of Water Technical Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule for Arsenic in Drinking Water and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring (EPA 815-F-00-011) (available through http://www.epa.gov/safewater/) PDF, 1 Kb, Corrupted
307 EPA's Office of Water Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program FAQs (available through http://www.epa.gov/safewater/) PDF, 43 Kb, 6 pp
308 Jim Lazorchak (NERL) Overview of NERL-Cincinnati Products or Project Related to Mining Issues PDF, 233 Kb, 61 pp
309 EPA's Water Research Coordination Team (RCT) NHEERL's Water Quality Research Inventory Lotus 123
310 ORD/NCER program HSRC Research (available through http://es.epa.gov/ncerqa/) PDF, 35 Kb, 4 pp
311 ORD/NCER program Tabular Query Results of NCER Program and Solicitation Information (available through http://es.epa.gov/ncerqa/) PDF, 1.3 M, 14 pp
312 EPA's Waste Research Coordination Team (RCT) Summary of ORD Sediment Activities (draft 6/5/00) PDF, 127 Kb, 28 pp
313 ORD/NRMRL NRMRL Summary of Research Products and Projects related to TMDL Implementation/Watershed Restoration PDF, 727 Kb, 11 pp
314 Diana Bless, ORD/NRMRL NRMRL Summary of Research related to Mining PDF, 83 Kb, 11
315 Kirk Nordstrom, USGS Acid Mine Drainage: USGS Publications PDF, 111 Kb, 19 pp
316 Steering Committee BLM Mine-Waste Related Documents PDF, 31 Kb, 3 pp
317 BH Hill, RK Hall, P Husby, AT Herligy, M Dunne Interregional Comparisons of Sediment Microbial Respiration in Streams; published in Freshwater Biology (2000) 43, 1-10 N/A
318 FH McCormick, BH Hill, LP Parrish, WT Willingham Mining Impacts on Fish Assemblages in the Eagle and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado; published in Journal of Freshwater Ecology, V 9, No 3, September 1994 N/A
319 BH Hill, WT Willing-ham, LP Parrish, BH McFarland Periphyton Community Responses to Elevated Metal Concentrations in a Rocky Mountain Stream; A reviewed and edited version was published in Hydrobiologia, 00: 1-9, 2000 PDF, 41 Kb, Corrupted
320 BH McFarland, BH Hill Abnormal Fragilaria spp. (Bacillariophyceae) in Streams Impacted by Mine Drainage; published in Journal of Freshwater Ecology, V 12, No 1, March 1997 N/A
321 BH Hill, JM Lazorchak, FH McCormick, WT Willingham The Effects of Elevated Metals on Benthic Community Metabolism in a Rocky Mountain Stream N/A
322 Carol Cox Russell Prioritization of Abandoned Mines in the Animas Watershed, Southwestern Colorado. PDF, 4.5 M, 13 pp
323 EPA/DOE Mine Waste Technology Program: 1998 Annual Report PDF, 2.6 M, 61 pp
324 Jim Rowe, ORD/OSP Council on Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM) Power Point
325 DOE OST Technical Progress Report: Teamwork Plan--FY 1999 Results PDF, 82 Kb, 9 pp
326 DOE Environmental Science and Technology Division: FY00 Technical Progress Report PDF, 125 Kb, 13 pp
327 DOE Environmental Science and Technology Division: Accomplishments for FY 1997 PDF, 88 Kb, 5 pp
328 DOE DOE Environmental Science and Technology Division, National Energy Technology Laboratory PDF, 56 Kb, 4pp
329 DOE OST Technical Progress Report for FY 1998 PDF, 574 Kb, 18 pp
330 BH Hill, JM Lazorchak, AT Herlihy, FH McCormick, MB Griffith, A Liu, P Haggerty, B Rosenbaum, and DJ Klemm The Extent of Mine Drainage into Streams of the Central Appalachian and Rocky Mountain Region PDF, 1.5 M, 11 pp
331 JM Lazorchak, AT Herlihy, B Rosenbaum, P Haggerty, DJ Klemm, and JH Green Assessing Stream Vulnerability to Mine Drainage and Acid Deposition in the Mid-Atlantic by Mapping Probability Sample Data from EMAP and the National Stream Survey PDF, 133 Kb, 27 pp
332 Z Li, JA Ryan, L Chen, and SR Al-Abed Cadmium Adsorption on Biosolids-amended Soils PDF, 2 Kb, 2 pp
333 Jim Lazorchak (NERL) Water Column Toxicity Tests from Mine Sites in Butte, MT Vicinity PDF, 138 Kb, 30
334 Jim Lazorchak (NERL) Water and Sediment Toxicity Tests from North Fork of Clear Creek PDF, 58 Kb, 14 pp
335 Jim Lazorchak (NERL) Water and Sediment Toxicity from Clear Creek Superfund Site PDF, 184 Kb, 52 pp
336 Dan Powell (OSWER) Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century PDF, 42 Kb, 1 pp


4) References / Bibliographies

Ref # Author Subject Electronic Files
400 Steering Committee Table of Mining-Related EPA Research or Activities PDF, 302 Kb, 92 pp
401 Steering Committee Table Linking Key Mining Related Issues with EPA Research or Activities PDF, 65 Kb, 27 pp
402 Steering Committee Draft bibliography of non-web reference materials, prepared by Steering Committee PDF, 34 Kb, 16 pp
403 Steering Committee Web references PDF, 5 Kb, 2 pp
404 Steering Committee Selenium references PDF, 241 Kb, 90 pp
405 Steering Committee Research being conducted by other agencies PDF, 53 Kb, 16 pp
406 Steering Committee Meeting Summary: ORD Research and Technical Support Needs, and Follow-Up Activities PDF, 39 Kb, 16 pp
407 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Inexpensive Methods to Characterize Metal Migration from Mining Sites PDF, 8 Kb, 3 pp
408 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Groundwater/Vadose Zone Monitoring Strategies for Early Alert of Potential Contaminant Migration PDF, 10 Kb, 3 pp
409 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Methods for Sampling/Analysis of Mercury in Water and Solids PDF, 50 Kb, 13 pp
410 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Remote Sensing PDF, 66 Kb, 20 pp
411 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Geochemical Factors Governing Inorganics/ Metal Mobility in the Environment PDF, 52 Kb, 16 pp
412 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Fate and Transport: Behavior of Contaminants Moving across Media Boundaries PDF, 25 Kb, 8 pp
413 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Natural Attenuation of Inorganics/Metals PDF, 27 Kb, 6 pp
414 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Geochemical Modeling: Speciation of Dissolved Components, Mass Transfer Processes, and Calculation of Solution Saturation with Respect to Various Mineral Phases PDF, 28 Kb, 13 pp
415 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Acid Mine Drainage Prediction PDF, 42 Kb, 13 pp
416 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Minimizing Concentrations of Acid-Producing Minerals in Tailings Piles PDF, 44 Kb, 14 pp
417 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Dissolution of Metal Sulfides and the Role of Bacteria in Production of Acid Mine Drainage PDF, 63 Kb, 18 pp
418 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Tools to Assess Treatment Requirements to Achieve Water Quality Standards in a Watershed PDF, 30 Kb, 9
419 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Potential Effects of Evaporative Concentration in Pit Lakes and/or Contaminant Movement to Groundwater PDF, 18 Kb, 6 pp
420 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Management of Acid-Generating Tailings in a Stream-side Setting PDF, 6 Kb, 2 pp
421 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Source Control or Remediation of Mine Wastes: Low Cost/Low Maintenance Methods PDF, 76 Kb, 25 pp
422 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Selenium Impacts to Terrestrial and Aquatic Organisms PDF, 69 Kb, 19 pp
423 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Biological Adaptations to Mineralized Conditions PDF, 21 Kb, 6 pp
424 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Cumulative Impacts from Mining Activities to Biological Resources, Ecosystems, and Water Quality PDF, 31 Kb, 10 pp
425 Steering Committee Mining Waste Research: Additional Bibliographic information related to Fish and Aquatic Life Impacts from Low pH and Dissolved Metals PDF, 31 Kb, 7 pp

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