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Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in American women, exceeding all forms of cancers combined. However, surveys in all parts of the country indicate that women believe breast cancer to be their primary health risk, even though cardiovascular disease accounts for over 45% of all deaths in women. Women’s mortality following a myocardial infarction (MI, heart attack) is three times that of men. Two-thirds of women who die suddenly from cardiovascular disease (CVD) had no known disease or symptoms, compared to only half of similar deaths in men.

Death is not the only matter of concern. Forty six percent of female heart attack survivors will be disabled with heart failure within six years. Such disability significantly impacts career, quality of life, and relationships with family and friends. This cardiovascular risk appraisal is designed to give you an approximate risk of heart disease based a series of questions related to known cardiovascular risk factors.

No assessment of this type can actually predict what your chances are of developing heart disease or having a heart attack - not even clinical tests administered by a doctor can make that kind of prediction. What this assessment can do is show you areas of risk and provide you with information that may motivate you to learn more and to take greater responsibility for your cardiovascular health. We hope that this assessment will provide you with helpful information as you make decisions about your own lifestyle. If you have questions after reading your report, please contact your physician or other health care provider.

This assessment consists of 20 health and behavior questions and should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

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